
Evaluate the View That the Separation of Ownership from Control in Large Firms Inevitably Causes Diseconomies of Scale

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Evaluate the view that the separation of ownership from control in large firms inevitably causes diseconomies of scale

In this essay I plan to show what consequences there are from a separation of ownership from control and what effects could occur as a result. I will be arguing whether managers are worth the cost of hiring, to the business as a whole, giving examples of problems that may arise in these types of situations and what impact they can cause. The separation of ownership in large firms is when the owners appoint paid managers to run their businesses, causing ownership to be divorced from control. Diseconomies of scale are the forces that cause larger firms to produce goods and services at increased per-unit costs.

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A managing team would be split up into three groups; top-level, middle and lower. There is specialisation in this managing sector where each group can focus on their own targets so that the large firm on the whole could potentially accomplish. The top level would be responsible for strategic decisions and so they must look into future prospects and be aware of external factors like markets. This can be advantageous, for the firm is looked upon wholly in comparison to the rest of the world. The middle level would be in charge of making the tactical decisions where they are responsible for carrying out choices made by the top level. This part of the sector would be the active doers where they put the ideas into practice. Finally the lower level managing group are responsible for the operational choices. They would concentrate on making sure that the other two are carrying out their goals. They can be portrayed as the motivating unit, to make sure that there isn’t any lack of action. This organisation of the division of labour can be extremely beneficial in achieving their goals. Management has a method where they would start by planning what they will do, following with organising to make optimum use of the resources required. Then there would be some motivation and leading where there would be some exhibition of skills. Lastly some controlling to ensure the plan is being followed. The procedure of

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