
Euthanasia Is Not An Acceptable Form Of Euthanasia

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“The mercy killing of patients by physicians, whether called “active euthanasia” or simply “euthanasia,” is a topic of long-standing controversy” (Mappes, Zembaty, and DeGrazia 59). “Although active euthanasia is presently illegal in all fifty states and the District of Columbia, proposals for its legalization have been recurrently advanced. Most commonly, these proposals call for the legalization of active euthanasia. There are some who consider active euthanasia in any form intrinsically immoral and, for this reason, oppose the legalization of active euthanasia. Others are opposed to legalization because of their conviction that physicians, in particular, should not kill” (Mappes, Zembaty, and DeGrazia 63). Others are also opposed to legalization because of the concern with the “adverse social consequences” (Mappes, Zembaty, and DeGrazia 63). For those very reasons, active euthanasia is not an acceptable form of euthanasia.
To begin with, active euthanasia is not an acceptable form of euthanasia because “killing an innocent person is intrinsically wrong” (Mappes, Zembaty, and DeGrazia 61). “Active euthanasia is the intentional destruction of human life, which is intrinsically good and of immeasurable value, regardless of the condition of the patient” (McManaman). “Human life itself is sacred, intrinsically good, whether the person is sick, dying, terminally ill, whether he wants to live or not, whether he is mentally ill, depressed, or mentally handicapped, or

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