
Persuasive Essay Outline For Euthanasia

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I. Introduction
The legalization of euthanasia has always been a highly debatable topic since it causes philosophical, religious, moral and ethical controversy where some people believe it reduces our respect for the value of human life and it will be a gateway for other immoral actions to be normalized even though it is a basic human right that patients all over the world are denied to this day.

II. Firstly, one of the main arguments for euthanasia is autonomy and patients’ rights to make their own decisions.
A) 1) Patients have the right to make their own informed decisions about if and how they die. When a chronically ill patient decides life is no longer worth living because of the insurmountable pain they are in, who are we to tell them differently? There are cases where attempts to cure are doing more harm than good, not only mentally and physically to the patient, but emotionally to his family and loved ones as well.
2) Benatar, D. wrote in his article “A legal right to die: responding to slippery slope and abuse arguments. Current Oncology, 18(5), 206–207.” that being forced to live a life that is intolerable when there are doctors who can help in death is a violation of a person’s freedom to live and die as they believe fit.

B) If patients don’t get the right to choose, they might refer to illegal methods to die or even commit suicide.
1) Since euthanasia is still stigmatized and illegal in most states, many patients feel the need to take matters

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