Although Eugenics is seen as a negative and invalid theory for the improvement of the human race, these reproduction requirements are constant factors within sexual selection and the doctors’ recommendation of aborting a baby, proving their relevance in the survival of the human race. Sexual selection determines whether either party is physically attracted and willing to reproduce with the other. Factors that are usually evaluated upon include physical appearance, hygiene, intelligence, maturity, and beliefs. The majority of these factors can be characterized as non hereditary and seen as an argument against the Eugenic ideology, but they are significantly influenced by the child’s household. As the child progresses through his lifetime,
From the reading, the one thing that stood out the most is how eugenics came about and how poor white trash were seen as having an illness and disease to justify their social class status. The whole concept of eugenics just doesn’t quite sit well with me due to the fact that it believes there is a set of individuals who are superior to others, what justify that? Under what conditions does society have the right to make a reproductive choice for someone else? Chapter 3 talks about how three generations of imbeciles is enough, but in my opinion, it is not up to society to cut reproduction, especially when family and heirs have such an importance to people, regardless of social class because it has become a norm, to have a family. Although eugenics
I support the guidelines outlined by Kitcher for the use of genetic information because of their responsible and ethical nature. I believe that future generations will benefit as a direct consequence of these guidelines. I shall begin by defining eugenics as the study of human genetics to improve inherited characteristics of the human race by the means of controlled selective breeding.
Eugenics is defined, in some way or the other, as the process of reshaping the human race by determining the kinds of people who will be born. As such, there is much debate in the field of eugenics, with authors, like Philip Kitcher, who support laissez-faire or a minimalist approach of eugenics in which eugenic decision-making should be limited only to avoid neurological illnesses and in which parental free choice is valued. Gregory Stock’s essay, The Enhanced and Un-Enhanced, presents otherwise by supporting the position of maximalist eugenics, allowing individuals the full extent in the selection of genes. On the other hand, the film, Gattaca, raises major ethical problems by illustrating a dystopian society resulted by extensive
Race matters! Race has been probably the most dominating factor beneath the eugenics movement and the pseudo scientific experiments the Europeans physicians and scientists conducted on people of African origin and other races since the 18th century. The foundation for these studies can be associated with ancient Greece, the roots of today’s western values of knowledge, civilized, and democracy which are considered to be the basis for human development. Similarly to today’s Europeans, Ancient Europeans mustered enormous armies and naval forces that conquered and destroyed more advanced civilizations in the Near East, Asia Minor and Africa during which they destroyed records and stole ideas from the conquered people. Hence, the Europeans rewrote the history books to advance their concept of race superiority, which have been essential in the Atlantic world for the last five hundred years.
Eugenics is a special effort targeted at cultivating the genetic composition of the human race. In history, eugenicists had promoted selective breeding to accomplish goals that were set. Nowadays, we have the proper technology that makes it possible to directly modify the genetic composition of an individual. Nevertheless, people have different views on how to best use this kind of technology. In 1883, a British scholar named Sir Francis Galton, who was also the cousin of Charles Darwin, used the term eugenics, to represent “well-born.” Galton believed that the human race could directly help its future by selectively breeding individuals who have certain “desired” qualities. This idea was constructed on Galton’s study of the upper class in Britain. After the completion of these studies, Galton established that an elite position in society was due to those persons having good genetic makeup. “Galton idea of Eugenics was developed due to Charles Darwin’s theory of Social Darwinism, which explains survival of the fittest, the capability to
Throughout history, people have consistently tried to prove that groups with inborn qualities can either vastly improve or degenerate different races over time. This rhetoric has been proven multiple times throughout the course of the last century in the United States and Nazi-reigned Germany. Supposedly, this rhetoric has been disproven throughout the United States; however, there are proven accounts that the United States government has recently supported this theory of sterilization of minorities by supporting the eugenics movement, which was not only in Nazi Germany, but also on United States soil. The topic of improving the genetic makeup of different races has not only just become a common theme for many modern day countries to use to make their societies more genetically fit. However, it has adopted the basis for current racism that is clearly apparent in today’s society. If improving genetic fitness was not a concern to past societies, then people in general would be a lot more open to interracial and cross-cultural relationships rather than completely disregarding the idea of dating someone that is visibly genetically different.
One reason our government should not limit how many children one has is because it can lead to abuse to citizens.
But did the climax of the Holocaust cease the desire to create the “desirable” human? By 1939, in America, a movement called the “Negro Project” was started to control the ‘breeding’ of the Blacks in the South. In the 1960’s, the Eugenic movement was one of voluntary capitalistic culture. In the 1970’s and 1980’s, there was an explosion of popular and scientific literature based upon molecular genetics. By the 1980s, sperm banks that select donors according to intelligence, looks and success were high in popularity. Women with “desirable traits” were selling their eggs for high cash amounts (de Araujo-Sommer 2015). In 1997, a sheep named Dolly was the first mammal ever to be successfully cloned. The contemporary truth on Eugenics is that technology is at a stage where it is possible to clone humans and genetically engineer them. The modern day Eugenic push is based upon the ideological values of social formation where “quality of life = economic performance” (Raman, 2015).
These fears spread to the general population due to the efforts of aristocrats and scientists who developed theories of eugenics and scientific racism (Brodkin, 1994). The key players in these efforts were Madison Grant and his book Passing of the Great Race. In his book, Grant discussed his discovery that were three or four European races ranging from the superior Nordics of northwestern Europe to the inferior southern and eastern races of Alpines, Mediterraneans, and Jews. In Grant’s eyes, the upper class was pure Nordic while the lowers classes came from the lower races (Brodkin,
The idea of eugenics was first introduced by Sir Francis Galton, who believed that the breeding of two wealthy and successful members of society would produce a child superior to that of two members of the lower class. This assumption was based on the idea that genes for success or particular excellence were present in our DNA, which is passed from parent to child. Despite the blatant lack of research, two men, Georges Vacher de Lapouge and Jon Alfred Mjoen, played to the white supremacists' desires and claimed that white genes were inherently superior to other races, and with this base formed the first eugenics society. The American Eugenics Movement attempted to unethically obliterate the rising tide of lower classes by immorally
In 1883, Francis Galton coined the term “Eugenics,” defining it as a “science, which deals with all influences that improve the inborn qualities of a race; also with those that develop them to the utmost advantage” in his essay Eugenics: Its Definition, Scope, and Aims (1). By promoting
First of all, the history of eugenics of is a huge bad quality within itself. Francis Dalton, the half cousin of Charles Darwin, invented eugenics. Eventually the idea
Eugenics, a new science of heredity was first introduced in 1883, brought about to address the budding fears and threats to the purity and fitness of the British race. A fear brought upon by events such as the Boer War in 1899, forced Britain to question the spectrum of degeneracy within the population and resolve the issue of bringing the British and White race back to strength, unified and fit. Sir Francis Galton defined eugenics as “the study of agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations either physically or mentally”. It was believed that differences in mental, moral and physical traits between individuals, as well as races were hereditary, producing those who were deemed
Who inhabits the world? Can we really create the best race and are it determined by our genes? The study of Eugenics raises a lot of unresolved question still in the year of 2015 as this topic expands. Eugenics, also known as selective breeding has been an exceptionally disputable science that has existed in this world for quite a long time. Eugenics (genetic counseling) is characterized as the study of or assurance in the probability of enhancing the characteristics of the human species or a human populace by such means as disheartening a person to procreate because he/she have hereditary defects or risked to have inheritable undesirable qualities or permitting reproduction by persons attempted to have inheritable desirable traits. These are qualities that individuals in the public eye at the time considered "unfit". They incorporate the “unfit” to be alcoholics, being a criminal or prostitutes, those with a mental impairment, feeble minded and those with physical impairments. To battle this, individuals accepted that the choice to procreate ought to be controlled by more "fit" human.
Eugenics will become a universal practice in the future due to the fact that humanity never learned the lesson from the Holocaust and the Second World War. For instance, in the years immediately after the war, many American geneticists worked as evaluators for many newborns’ adoptive placements. They would “focus on the [child]’s ability to appear convincingly white, relying upon examination of the ‘sacral spot at the base of the spine,’ nose width, lip thickness, hair texture and shape, and even scrotum coloration” to determine the type of family most suitable for the child. Moreover, Peter Singer, who was a moral philosopher born at the end of the war, publically endorsed the termination of not only disabled infants, but children and adults as well. Shockingly, he was also a supporter of the Nazi Aktion T4 program, More recently, an American jail sterilized all of its female prisoners who both failed to graduate from high school and had five or more children. The jail administrators did this without the consent of these prisoners. These were examples of negative eugenics, the one practiced by the Nazi party and caused the deaths of millions of people. Clearly, the American geneticists, Singer and the jail administrators all wanted to improve the quality of the population by discouraging the reproductions of people with less desirable traits, such as African American features, disabilities and low intelligence. Both the continued practices of negative eugenics as well as