
Eugenics Pros And Cons

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What would you do if your newborn was born with a defect? In this time era, we would love the child unconditionally. But what if you knew beforehand that you could fix this birth defect before the baby was born? Would you change the innocent newborn just because of this defect? The thought seems a little tempting to some, but to others the thought is terrifying to their moral. Why even think of changing something so beautiful and pure? With eugenics spiraling around it is possible. Eugenics is defined as the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics, whether it is appearance, intelligence, or defects. Doesn’t that sound cruel? Well there are more bad qualities to eugenics than just the definition. First of all, the history of eugenics of is a huge bad quality within itself. Francis Dalton, the half cousin of Charles Darwin, invented eugenics. Eventually the idea …show more content…

Since the improved eugenics is fairly new, it has not lived long enough to show any possible effects. The scary thing with eugenics is that we are changing our DNA; what if changing our DNA could severely alter the future generations? It could be possible the thing people were once trying to stop, deformities, could evolve from eugenics. Playing with eugenics is a huge gamble since after we do not know the long-term effects. Even though eugenics could work out for a few generations the negative effects could sprout a few generations after. Or possibly even though your future child are cured of diseases that are known to mankind a new disease could evolve and put them at a higher risk because they would be susceptible. Since everyone will be similar because of eugenics, the human race could be destroyed. Is this a risk you are willing to

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