
Essay about Ethical Theories on Stealing

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Ethical Theories on Stealing All human societies and communities have basic ethical principles that constitute certain moral codes. People formulated these principles and rules many centuries ago; they are fundamentals that structure human behavior and as such are included in all major religious and ethical systems. One of these basic rules is “do not steal”, something children are taught from their very early age. In our rapidly developing and dramatically changing contemporary world, ethical issues and problems are becoming ever more important and urgent. Maintaining basic ethical principles in a variety of settings and conditions requires more than accepting major moral values; it calls for courage, commitment, character, and strong …show more content…

Consequential theories of morality claim that what is moral or immoral is determined by the consequences of actions, not the actions themselves. These principles were upheld by John Stuart Mill, a philosopher and political economist who is considered to be one of the most influential philosophers of the 19th century. John Stuart Mill advocated utilitarianism, or the “greatest-happiness principle”. In this interpretation, stealing is, for example, deemed wrong because it harms the victim, or causes losses to people or institutions but not because it is inherently wrong to take something not belonging to a person from someone it belongs to. Thus justice is interpreted by consequentialists exclusively on the basis of how fair the final outcome is while the means of achieving it are irrelevant. At present, stealing comprises a much broader kinds of activities than it used to; it would be enough to remember shop-lifting or numerous facts of counterfeit product utilization when intellectual property is stolen against copyright-based laws and regulations. Stealing, therefore, is expanding and spreading; moreover, the very notion of what is stealing becomes modified and fuzzy. What are then the instruments that the consequential approach

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