
Ethical Issues In Planned Parenthood

Satisfactory Essays

I decided on the topic of ethics . I chose this topic form many reasons but the main reason is that there are many companies that have problems in the department of ethics . When it comes to combining ethics with business many co panies fail in great proportions. There are those companies however that are very successful in finding that balance that is needed in order to keep a company in good ethical standing . This is an issue that we all need to think about and we all should be concerned with it. A company having problems concerning their ethics is company that will experience many ups and down as well as being dragged through the mud . It can become difficult for the consumers, management employees etc. Having to deal with an ethics problem can put a glitch in the …show more content…

This company went through a series of lawsuits and out cries claiming their practices as in constitutional and in ethical. Planned parenthood is a place that offers help with birth control and other things of that manner they also provide abortions which is where their ethical morals came into question and many different cases brought to the court . planned parenthood always stood on the fact that their practices were lawful and helped many even though a many other did not agree with . throughout the question of their ethichs they never divided as a company and stood behind what the center stood for and they successfully pulled through those out cries.that is how I feel it should be done to be a sucessfull company. Another co oany that cane under fire with concerns on ethics was abercrombie a company a tually discussed earlier in this course. This company is widly successful but at a time they were being put under close scrutiny dude to the sizes they choose to carry many people did not believe it to be ethically right to only carry siezes that fit such a small category of people seeing as how a majority of people do not fit into that category

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