
Ethical Dilemmas

Decent Essays

According to Nickerson (n.d.), “organ donation is the act of donating an organ by a person and it can be transplanted by surgical procedure in the body of the recipient (para.1)”. This procedure is made with fully informed consent from the donor. Organ donation is one of the most popular topic and many are not aware for the good benefit of it. According to Midwest Transplant Network (2010), it can helps the “recipient largely by continuing and maintaining quality of life, improving health, adding another span of life and saving him from even death (MTN, 2010).”
The example case scenario that has been chosen is according to United Network for Organ Sharing (2010), “a 31 year-old man who had a car accident and rush to the emergency department. …show more content…

As part of the health care team of this situation we can consider many things to support the family for their decision and also to follow the wish of their son. In order to satisfy both the family and son, as a nurse we need to figure out the problem first then think for any solutions. According to College of Nurses of Ontario (2006), nurse should incorporate the “ethical principles of nursing: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, fidelity and justice (CNO, 2006)” in every planning that may take place for the given scenario. Next we need to give the family the autonomy to discuss the current situation and let them express their own opinion together and give them time to plan what is the best for their family. The nurse can offer anything to the patient’s family while thinking for any solutions. Nurse should have to secure also the family if they need any help and to avoid any harm with son’s …show more content…

al, in order to give the best solution in any problem we have to follow the “ nursing process: Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Intervention and Evaluation (Kozier, p124).” First process is gathering information of any issues regarding organ donation: advantages and disadvantages. For instance, the advantage of it is giving other people a chance to live their life. However, the disadvantage of this is depending on the person’s belief. Researching for any relevant data focusing this topic will help in the process of achieving the solutions. Second process is planning for the possible outcome that the family will accept their sons’ wish. Third process is implementation. We can give the family some pamphlet about benefits of organ donation. They can watch any success stories. Use therapeutic communication to the family. According to Kozier “this will help to build trust and open-up the communication (Kozier, p123).” It will help to understand the family’s background culture and their idea about donating any parts of an organ. Once the trust is built we can talk to the mom and explain the about her son’s wished. Also, we can tell the truth to the family that before doing the procedure they should make a lot of test for any compatibility of the organ to the recipient and any safety of the procedure. Assure them that they will respect their son’s body. We can offer the family the support that available in this time of grief. Give them time to

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