
Ethical Behavior at the Workplace

Decent Essays

7. A perceived lack of integrity caused irreparable damage to both Andersen and Enron. How can you apply the principles learned in this case personally? Generate an example of how involvement in unethical or illegal activities, or even the appearance of such involvement, might adversely affect your career. What are the possible consequences when others question your integrity? What can you do to preserve your reputation throughout your career?

A perceived, or even likely more detrimental to one’s career, a proven lack of integrity, can cause damage to a career in many ways. Integrity is an important foundation in client and employee/employer relationships. Integrity equates to placing trust in an individual that he or she will conduct …show more content…

9. What has been done, and what more can be done to restore the public trust in the auditing profession and in the nation’s financial reporting system?

The enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was an effort to make sweeping changes to restore public trust in both the accounting profession and financial reporting performed by companies. Given the problems in the case of Arthur Andersen and Enron where both the external audit firm and management made unethical decisions which caused public trust to erode, these sweeping changes were necessary. In addition to the changes required of external audit firms, as discussed in question #8, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act created additional requirements of companies related to the accuracy of financial reporting.

The Act began requiring CEOs and CFOs to certify in the financial statements of public companies related to the accuracy of financial statements (“report”). Specifically, the certification requirements require certification that:

• they have personally reviewed the report;

• based on their knowledge, the report does not contain any material misstatements or omissions;

• based on their knowledge, the financial statements and other financial information included in the report fairly present in all material respects the

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