I think that it is important to establish reasonable rules with the students from day one. This will show that although class will be an enjoyable and active environment, I am here to be the students’ teacher. I plan on wearing khakis and a shirt with a collar each day to show students that I am the “professional” and “in charge.” I also plan to stand up straight, speak clearly, and demonstrate tasks well. I plan on always arriving to class early and being prepared. Finally, I want to establish a relationship with the students where I am a mentor rather than a friend. Since I may only be 2 or 3 years older than some of these students and several inches shorter, it is important that I establish a trust where the students see me as a teacher
A sense of order within the class can be managed by presenting lessons effectively and establishing positive relationships with pupils- based on mutual respect and rapport. I will, as a tutor, have to develop skills in managing behaviour and use a variety of tactics in order to develop an understanding of students individually and as a group. Hopefully, I will be able to combine that with the correct approach to planning, my approach, the resources to use in order to deal with barriers learners may have adopted towards learning and to maintain a good level of motivation.
She told me about her classroom rules which are mutual respect, attentive listening and appreciations no put downs. She spent the first three weeks of school going over these three rules and afterwards she had each student write their name on colored paper which is their contract, their signature on that paper means they will follow those rules throughout the year. She has another rule in her classroom called “Kelso’s Choices”. Kelso’s Choices are nine different choices they can make on how to solve their problems in class. When the students come to an issue they have to choose two of the choices on the poster before going to the teacher. Some of the choices on there include, walking away, talking it out, apologizing, telling them to stop, etc. I really liked the idea of Kelso’s Choices because it teaches them problem solving as well as social skills. Instead of being unfair or going to the teacher they have the opportunity to solve the issues and be fair towards each other.
Respect: as a professional, respect should be demonstrated in your work, attitude, and communication with others. One way to gain the attention of your students is by creating an atmosphere of respect. This will then create a relation among you and the student that will keep the student engage and enthusiastic to learn. Generally building up an atmosphere of appreciation makes your students feel welcome and acknowledged in your classroom. Students who see themselves as regarded notwithstanding their learning contrasts are best ready to profit by distinctive chances to learn (Moore et al., 2011).
According to Cornelius Kerwin, "Rulemaking is the single most important function performed by agencies of government Rulemaking refines, and in some instances defines, the mission of every government agency. In so doing it provides direction and content from budgeting, program implementation, procurement, personnel management, dispute resolution, and other important government activities" (Preface XI). This is the foundation for the book, Rulemaking. The whole text primarily revolves around this statement. Throughout the book Kerwin's central theme is that rulemaking is the single most important function that any government agency has within its possession. Much like other admin law books he discusses how those agencies with their
Students in the class are social and very active in class. Students learn how to be respectful, attentive, and demonstrate good behavior in the classroom. The teacher will create a suitable learning environment so that each student can grasp the concepts. There will also be small groups formed for better learning and support opportunities.
I like to make all of my students feel important, speaking to them directly, using eye contact, using their name, asking them direct questions.At first, I carry out an evaluation to test their prior knowledge, their preferred learning styles and to assess if any additional support is needed. I can then change the teaching level to fit new conditions and pitch it correctly to each individual.
Recently, there has been a complicated and elaborate debate over the scenario regarding research on patient’s leftover or non-identified tissue after clinical trials.1
attitude to learn. Students should also prepare for tests and do the homework to help
I show affection to my students. I will ensure they feel like they are part of a family. Students will each have a role in class. They will contribute to the classroom. They will see the importance in others.
Life in your new college apartments has been going extremely well: you and you roommate get along really well and no major disagreements have popped up. However, you've met a girl you really like that you roommate simply can't stand. And the feeling is mutual from her.
I like to make all of my students feel important, speaking to them directly, using eye contact, using their name, asking them direct questions. Initially I carry out an assessment to test their prior knowledge, their preferred learning styles and to assess if any additional support is required. I can then adjust the teaching level and pitch it correctly to each individual.
I will establish an authoritarian classroom to make sure the students behave. I will not be a strict teacher, but I will have to stand up enough to be in control of them. I will keep the classroom organized the particular way I described earlier unless the need to rearrange the room occurs. To help keep up students’ motivation I will try a variety of teaching methods and supplements to keep things interesting. I will try my best to keep a constant good attitude and not take out my personal frustrations on my pupils.
During the start of first day I realized that the students were shy at first while looking at me weird as if a total stranger. To the point they didn’t know who or what I was doing in this class. But overall, I introduced myself to the class while explaining myself to them my reason for coming in during each week. Each class was different during the first-class period.
Initial thoughts: There is many technique Ms. Rollison can use to help with her students behaving appropriately in the classroom. One technique she could use is at the beginning of the year ask the students what type of rule they would like to have in the classroom. The student will more likely obey the class rules because they had a part in
2) Create a safe classroom environment. Develop rules and procedures which provide a structured environment rich in routine and shared expectations. Develop and enforce rules prohibiting sarcastic, degrading, and berating remarks and comments by students directed at other students. In my classroom I implemented a "No Hunting" rule. No student may physically or verbally hurt another. Additionally, learn to use positive reinforcement instead of negative reinforcement to correct student behaviors. Lastly, provide copious amounts of praise and reinforcement for student risk taking. Become an advocate for each of your students. Take time out to let each student know how well they are doing. This could take the form of a short handwritten note on their papers, or verbal comment. The key is to focus on the students ' positive attributes and aid the student in developing an increased level of self-esteem.