
Essay Outline For Death Of A Salesman

Decent Essays

II-practical part: Death of a Salesman (1949) by Arthur Miller
1- Title:
a) Arthur miller masterpiece’s title has various meanings on different levels that could be seen by different perspectives.
b) The title describes the protagonist destiny, moreover such title success to summarize the whole play.
2- Themes:
a) The American dream is considered the main theme in Death of a Salesman in which Willy failed to achieve, therefore this influence negatively his emotions, behaviours and thoughts.
b) Reality versus illusion is a major theme which represents the main reason that brings about Willy’s anger.
c) Miller offers individual versus society as an important theme through which he try to shows willy’s worries, frustration and his moments of anger which are obviously appear in such situations he fell helpless against society and blames his lack of success on society not himself.
d) …show more content…

Willy loves his family, betray his wife and at the end as a last chance, he sacrifice himself for a new beginning for his family.
3- Techniques:
a) Non-linear narrative is an attractive technique that miller used in his play, as he moves between the past and present to show the reasons that turned willy to this outraged man.
b) Miller make use of music and lights as essential techniques to reveal the nature of Willy’s nostalgia, to differentiate between present and past and between willy as a family lover and insane frustrated man.
c) Flashbacks are used by miller to show the angry relationship reasons between Willy and biff, also such technique could be used as Willy’s only way out his miserable life.

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