
Essay On Viking-Lee's Homeland

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Jang Jin-Sung is a middle aged man that lives in south korea after escaping from the north korean regime. His journey had many twists and turns, in which he lost his best friend, Young-Min, and had to hide from the North Korean and Chinese authority. In the prologue of the book Jang is called up by the government, mainly the leader at the time Kim Jong-il, for a meeting with the other elites. He is called up since he wrote an inspiring poem about guns and the leader of North Korea likes his style. Kim Jong-il makes Jang a propaganda writer for the state. Jang is placed to work at the UFD which deals with international affairs by writing literature that is pro-North Korean. Jang’s first major assignment is to write an epic of a poem about how great Kim Jong-il was as a leader of the country. Jang has decided to use Kim Jong-il’s tears as a metaphor for happiness and self-restriction. The people at the UFD agreed with Jang and he is set to write the epic. The person in charge of the UFD allows him to go back to his hometown. When Jang goes to his hometown he is struck with a hard realization that everyone is starving to death. He has a chance to meet up with his childhood friend who is named, Young-nam, and he has signs of starvation. Jang has a small feast …show more content…

He was responsible with ensuring the wellbeing of Kim-Jong il. He was a patriot of North Korea just like Jang. When Young received a book from Jang it opened his eyes to what was happening in North Korea and loses faith in his country. Young-min was the person that was responsible with the escape plan. Young-min was with Jang throughout most of the journey of escaping from North Korea. It was when near the end of their escape that Young gets separated from Jang and gets captured by the Chinese authority. In the end he decided to kill himself to keep his family safe from the regime and to have jang not get

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