
Essay On The Last Of The Mohicans

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The Last of The Mohicans was an enjoyable book to read. The book kept me interested and there was difficulty to put it down. The book made the backdrop enjoyable and it fashioned a difficult terrain for the characters to transverse. The vegetation provides a worthy advisory for both the natives and whites to cross and provided cover for both sides. The characters not only fight against themselves, but, also nature was fought against during the conflict and the fact that the author described it in a fantastic way. This helps set the mood when the runner was meant, and when they traveled through the backs of the woods. The description of the runner peaked my curiosity, labeling him as a specter in the woods. The book showed that frontier life was hard and unforgiving place. The first couple of chapters seemed dawdling. The author lost me when he went into elongated historical definitions and discussions this agitated and disconcerted me. Although, it started slow I soon found it hard to put down the book. The author could generate tension in the story, which is why could not put the book down. The book is far different from the movie; to me the plots seemed remote from each other. The Native Americans in the book …show more content…

The ending showed that two cultures can come together; this was shown with Hawkeye as the hinge. It also shows that this is the conclusion of adventures for the Mohicans. Therefore, the Native Americans saw their world was naturally changing; settlements are appearing and rapidly changing the Native Americans and how they were used to reside. Consequently, with his awareness Cooper showed this and effectively showed this throughout the story. The story concluded in tribulation that all the Mohicans died and one was left. This would be horrific to be the last of a tribe, no way to preserve it, or pass down the traditions associated with

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