
Essay On Sodomy Bill Of Rights

Decent Essays

Garrett Kauffman
May 19, 2016
American Federal Gov.
Writing Assignment
Response to Topic #2 "Where is the right to privacy found?" How does this help us as American citizens in the fight for our rights? It seems as though this is a never ending battle between the government and society, especially in the sense of contraceptives, abortions, and same-sex relations. There are many issues when it comes to our privacy, but the fight comes down to what does the Bill of Rights say directly and indirectly. No one can say that the framers of the Constitution could have predicted these issues that we have today. As the you read the Bill of Rights there are many liberties that are given to the masses. No, unfortunately the Bill of Rights does not directly …show more content…

Did you know that you could be put in jail and fined for having sex with an individual of the same orientation? Sodomy is a crime against nature which against nature mostly described as oral or anal sex with another human being or sex with a non-human animal. This was a huge uproar in the 1980's when AIDS was a new scary disease in the world. Same-sex couples were punished for this act, but if a man and a woman were doing the same act in the privacy of their home then no one cared. This law infringed on an individual's rights in the privacy of their own home. So in the case of (Bowers v. Hardwick, 1986) when Hardwick was arrested for committing sodomy with another male it created a hostile and scary place for same-sex couples. Anti-sodomy laws were eventually overturned in 2003 in the case of (Lawrence v. Texas). This case was brought up because of a woman that sold sex toys for their specific purpose instead of as a novelty which was illegal in the state of Texas because they were considered to be obscene. What is all comes down to is that whatever a consenting adult chooses do behind closed doors and in their own privacy should not and will not be invaded by

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