
The Homosexual Law Reform Act Essay

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Great NZ Protests: The Homosexual Law Reform

Chapter 1
Page 1

Focus Questions:
How were homosexuals viewed prior to the movement, and how did this motivate the protest for the Law Reform?

What actions were taken by the protesters, and what were the responses to this?

What were the consequences of the Law Reform?
An Introduction: The Homosexual Law Reform Act of 1986 is a law that legalised sexual relations with consent between men from aged 16 and older within New Zealand, administered by the Ministry of Justice, although the law change did not occur without significant protest.

Legal Inequality
Homosexuality has long been looked down upon by society, and until 1986, sexual relations between two males was considered illegal within New Zealand. A law reform, the process of examining existing laws was put into place to make changes to the Crimes Act 1961 by removing criminal restrictions against consensual homosexual relations between males. Sex between women may not have been illegal, but many lesbians suffered the same hate as gay men and were strong

opposition as evidence to make sure the law would not be passed. Homophobia did have a long and troubled history in New Zealand, and remained that way overtime, making the protests during the 1980s more intense, as it pushed people to seek change.
Although support for the reform came from all across the country, not everyone shared the same views. Support not only came from fellow homosexuals,

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