
Essay On Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Everyone has different opinions about everything in life. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee, readers can definitely decipher the text in two different ways, an indictment of racism or as a racist text. Many people have shared their views on what they think about this story. In one article,“Racism in To Kill A Mockingbird” by Isaac Saney, Saney empounds how racist the novel really is. Meanwhile, in another article, “Symbolism and Racism in To Kill A Mockingbird” by Adam Smykowski, the author demonstrates how the novel is an indictment of racism. Some parts in the novel can demonstrate how people may think that the novel is an indictment of racism like how Atticus, a white lawyer takes on the challenge of defending a black …show more content…

When referencing back to the text, everything always turns out to be racist. In the opposing article, “Symbolism and Racism in To Kill A Mockingbird” by Adam Smykowski, it contradicts that when Atticus had to kill Tim Johnson, the rabid dog in his neighborhood, that, “...He kills racism and prejudice, not allowing it to spread itself any further.”(Smykowski 55). Was Atticus actually trying to kill racism? Perhaps Atticus was only defending Tom Robinson and killing the dog to get his name around the town to make more money. The quote mentioned previously is disproven in “Racism in To Kill A Mockingbird”, with “What these lines say is that Black people are useful and harmless creatures-akin to decorous pets-that should not be treated brutally”(Sanny 2). One can use this quote to disprove the first, because it shows that they might have thought that Black people were actually like Tim, the dog, creatures instead of people. And Atticus only kills him because he was too rabid just like how the people could get if they are not under control. Therefore, To Kill a Mockingbird should not be classified as an indictment to racism because the story ends up having more racial characteristics than the story has against

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