
Essay On Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Martin Luther King Jr was a person that had been discriminated against because of his race. At the time, there was segregation between blacks and whites. They had to use a separate sink, water fountain, and even movie theaters. If the blacks got in trouble the consequence was 10 times worse than whites consequence. They were beaten for the simplest mistakes. Martin Luther King Jr. was the one that made a difference. He found a way to lead majority African Americans across the Edmund Pettus Bridge to go to Montgomery as a protest. On March 7, 1965, they went with all blacks which was a fail. On the next march, they went with blacks and a few others that weren't black and police let them through but MLK thought it was a trick. On March 25, …show more content…

This is no different from when surveillance cameras show that you didn’t do anything but you still get put in jail for the crime. Philando Castile is a good example of how their is a video showing that a police officer shot him 7 times and the police officer was found not guilty of second-degree manslaughter. Atticus Finch life has been impacted by discrimination when he was fighting the case between Mayella and Tom Robinson. The evidence is found in Chapter 9 on Page 110 which states “‘If Uncle Atticus lets you run around with stray dogs, that’s his own business, like Grandma says, so it ain’t your fault. I guess it ain’t your fault if Uncle Atticus is a nigger-lover besides, but I’m here to tell you it certainly does mortify the rest of the family—’”(Lee 110) This means Atticus is open minded and he doesn’t discriminate against anyone. This is no different from when students are at lunch and they let any and everyone sits at the table. Discrimination is something that people use to get back at others but it's no need. If more people were like Atticus the world would be able to process much smoother. You wouldn’t have to be intimidated to go places and get judged. Discrimination has impacted Calpurnia’s life when Scout pleads with Atticus to discharge her from her job. The evidence is found in Chapter 3 Page 33 which states “...staying behind to advise Atticus of Calpurnia’s iniquities was worth a solitary sprint past the Radley

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