Knowing that in many cases animal tests have not produced stable or even capable results to put into effect on humans this allows for a large waste of money, time, and resources that could have been better well spent in furthering technological advances made for human relevant testing. Scientists have developed more modern and effective research methods that do not include animals. New technologies such as human-based micro dosing, or in vitro testing, act as human-patient simulators. These newly produced advancements along with sophisticated computer modeling allow for much faster and cheaper tests. Human-based micro dosing allows for more accurate results than animal testing. These experiments using in vitro or human-based micro dosing allows for experiments to be performed in non-unethical or inhumane manners.
Testing animals does come with
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There are alternative testing methods that allow for no animal subjects, yet the clear majority of scientists still continue to use animals as subjects to their experimentations. There are now no excuses for animals to be used in laboratories when results and data can more accurately be gathered through the use of new biological and technological advances. Many substances tested on animals cause them harm, whether it comes in the form of pain or just through the long-term effects it will bear upon the animal. Laboratories do not always use pain relievers when submitting an animal to pain. In an article, titled “Pros and Cons of Animal Testing”, it states that Animal Welfare Acts can and are bypassed. It continues to mention that “The Animal Welfare Act, or AWA, was signed in 1966 in order to protect certain animals from cruel treatment. The animals that are chosen for testing are not covered in this act,” allowing those who preform animal tests to go against the Animal Welfare Act because it does not apply to their circumstances. This then leads to cruel or inhumane treatment of
At this moment, millions of animals know cold cages in laboratories as home, but why? Some of these animals are subjects for medical research purposes, while others are used out of pure curiosity and to test different products. Majority of these animals are used in painful experiments and are left in agony. While many of them die, a few animals survive, but these unfortunate ones wish they could be put out of their misery as well. Although scientists have resources they could use to lower the pain each animal endures and even alternatives of their test subjects, millions of innocent creatures are still suffering. The fact that animals are still used when animal experimentation is avoidable and not necessary makes animal testing unethical.
Animals endure so much pain and suffering when being tested on. In some cases, animal testing can be deadly or lead to serious side effects that will forever stick with the animal that was tested on. Animals hardly ever, to never benefit from testing. In research and testing, animals are subjected to experiments that can include everything from testing new drugs to infecting with diseases, poisoning for toxicity testing, burning skin, causing brain damage, implanting electrodes into the brain, maiming, blinding, and other painful and invasive procedures (NEAVS). It can include protocols that cause severe suffering. Also, can’t forget about the restricted living conditions where animals are forced to live in an unhealthy habitat out of their own element during the testing period. Animals in labs suffer not only pain from protocols, but also severe stress from day-to-day laboratory life. They spend their lives in barren cages, unable to make choices or express natural behaviors. Most never experience fresh air or sunshine, only bars and concrete. Although most think that the Animal Welfare Act protects animals from abuse, it is a common misconception that the AWA protects animals against abuse and harm in the laboratory or in other areas of commerce. This is not true. According to the National Anti-Vivisection Society the AWA regulates the use of animals in research and outlines standards for their care, it does not protect
Researchers test substances that “clearly are hazardous,” on animals because it would be immoral to test them on humans (Bittman). While using animals for research provides “modern medicine,” the animals do feel pain and experience fear very similarly to humans (Hanlon). Although, unlike humans they cannot give their consent for the experiments. Instead, the researchers can force any test on the animals, who have no other option than to suffer. Experimenters can legally perform any study, regardless of how it affects the animals involved.
Have you ever been watching your favorite television show, and all of the sudden a failed drug commercial comes on? An example of this could be Vioxx. How would you like to know that this was tested on animals? If you are unaware Vioxx caused over 100,000 people to suffer severe heart attacks. Yet Vioxx was extremely successful in the animal test trials. Doesn’t that show you how different us animals and humans are, and how pointless this dangerous routine is? Now how do you feel to know that animals are also being killed everyday because of animal testing? In one test run on average of the LD50 test, more than 50 percent of the animals die. The LD50 test is a test that forced 60-200 animals to do this. How would you feel if a rabbit, like a pet you own, was getting force fed this? Nowadays scientist limited this test to 6-10 animals, but that’s just this test. I still believe no animal, should die this way whether it’s cosmetic, medical, or everyday chemicals like paint. (Added the ways I meant.)
While the pros to animal research are positives on humans, it is negatively affecting the animals themselves. Using animals for medical research is inhumane because they are left in these awful conditions. These animals are being mistreated in captivity because humans need them for their own research. The animals used in these experiments are treated very poorly because, they are subjected to force feeding, forced inhalation, deprived of food and water, excessive physical restraint, and may acquire infections and other wounds while in captivity (“Animal Testing”, 2017). Animals like these are burned, choked by CO2 and even left days without food or water. Sometimes we just test to see what the LD50 is for these animals, over 97,000 animals were killed just testing to find the LD50 from these animals. The LD50 is just a test to find out how much of one substance will kill 50% of the population. These animals are harmed for no reason because, most of the time it does not even help humans.
are not able to give consent for this as would be required of a human. Other
In 2010 Minnesota used 2,073, New jersey used 6,077 dogs, and Massachusetts used 7,458 primates. 95% of animals that are used in experiments is not protected by the animal welfare act. The welfare act does not cover rats, fish, mice, and birds which comprise around 95% of animals in research. The 25 million animals, not covered by AWA are especially vulnerable to being abused and missed treated. People that are against animal testing should stand up and protest for the rights to abolish animal testing.
Each year, about 100 million animals in the U.S. alone are killed by animal experimentation, ( Can this be stopped? Animal testing is a nutshell is experimenting drugs with certain animals that could possibly be cured. Animal testing started about 150 years ago, (Understanding Animal Research). The practice of animal experimentation is extremely inefficient, has much better alternatives to it, and is absolutely cruel. The practice of animal testing needs to become to an immediate end.
I’m writing to you because I strongly believe that animal experimentation should be limited. I’m not saying it should be illegal, because then companies wouldn’t be able to make any new products, but its should be limited on how gruesome it is for the animals. Companies are really taking advantage of using animals for their experiments, and that needs to be limited. Every single year, there are 100 million animals killed in experimentation. I get it, there are tons of rats and mice in the streets of big cities, and they really have no purpose, but that still doesn’t make it right. Imagine if it was a dog they were experimenting on (which some people do), that should be illegal, shouldn’t it? Domestic animal abuse is illegal, because its animals
The Pros of Animal Testing An animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm. This may sound a bit harsh which is why many people are against it. What people do not know is that there are also tons of pros to animal testing. Some pros of animal testing are that they are used during the making of cosmetics to make sure that the products are safe for humans, it has contributed to many life-saving cures and treatments, and animals are appropriate research subjects because they are similar to human beings in many ways.
Animal testing has been around for thousand of years and has strong support and opposition. Animals are used to test things such as make-up, medicine, and even household chemicals. Those who support animal testing look for saving lives of animals and humans. Those against animal state that animals aren’t similar to humans and humans may have different effects. In order to know what animal testing is about, you have to know the history the good and the bad effects. In the end many people support and oppose animal testing.
Animal testing has become a wide contribution in medical field in order to find new treatment, developing new medicines and improving the existing ones as well as testing the safety and effectiveness of new medicines. Some medicines development is depending on animal research, for instances, vaccines and insulin for diabetes and kidney transplants. However, there are many diseases that their cures are still undiscovered yet and one of them is AIDS (Tanir, 2012). Frankie L. Trull once said in his article of Animal Test Research Has Saved Many Human Lives, “[…] fight against cancer has seen 24 significant biomedical advances in the past 30 years. None of them could have occurred without animal research.” Therefore, this
Instead of abusing animals while testing, there are many other methods such as computer modeling, human volunteers, cell-based tests and tissue models. “A variety of cell-based tests and tissue models can be used to assess the safety of drugs, chemicals, cosmetics, and consumer products.” (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”). Not all tests can be reliable, such as identifying chemicals that cause birth defects or allergic reaction, but scientists are trying to develop methods (Curren). The quality and humanness of testing will improve if animals are replaced by vitro methods. These tests will often be cheaper, quicker, and more effective (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”). The study of naturally occurring disease and the health in humans is called epidemiology. The results of this study has provided researchers and health practitioners with an understanding of causes, treatments, and preventions of a range of human illnesses and no animals were mistreated as a result (“Animals in Science/Alternatives”). Animals can stop suffering and dying from these experiments if these alternatives are used more
Here it comes.... The beast! The monster!!, my best friend, Jake the dog. Animals have always helped us humans in many ways, Hunting, killing, assisting, tracking even be a test subject. Animals should not be tested on. We do not need animals to be tested on we have better ways for testing cures and medicines. Animal testing could be replaced with Modern Medical Technology that we have now, not to mention Not everything works on us humans unlike animals.
We should not be testing animals for human things. Why, well there is so many things that could happen, or in general, it is WRONG. Animals are just like humans. Just think, animals might think that to them we are animals. How would you feel if your own pet that you have had your whole life and loved had been in the works of being tested on. I know I would feel horrible. That is what is happening. Innocent animals are being tested on for our own good. There are so many reasons why we should not be testing on animals.