
Cons Of Animal Testing Essay

Decent Essays

The Cons of Animal Testing

Can you imagine being locked up in a cage with no control over anything? Not even when you eat? That is how life is like for an animal in research labs. They are abused and the lab researchers don’t care. Even though there are a very few benefits to using animals for research, there are many benefits for not using them. Animal testing is costly, animals are mistreated, and there are many other safe alternatives. To begin with, animal testing is very costly and more expensive than alternate methods. The US National Institute of Health (NIH) has an animal budget of $31 billion and for animal research they spend an average of $14 - $16 billion annually. I think that all this money being used for animal testing could be used for other important …show more content…

Instead of abusing animals while testing, there are many other methods such as computer modeling, human volunteers, cell-based tests and tissue models. “A variety of cell-based tests and tissue models can be used to assess the safety of drugs, chemicals, cosmetics, and consumer products.” (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”). Not all tests can be reliable, such as identifying chemicals that cause birth defects or allergic reaction, but scientists are trying to develop methods (Curren). The quality and humanness of testing will improve if animals are replaced by vitro methods. These tests will often be cheaper, quicker, and more effective (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”). The study of naturally occurring disease and the health in humans is called epidemiology. The results of this study has provided researchers and health practitioners with an understanding of causes, treatments, and preventions of a range of human illnesses and no animals were mistreated as a result (“Animals in Science/Alternatives”). Animals can stop suffering and dying from these experiments if these alternatives are used more

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