
Essay On Net Neutrality

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Safety Net Used As Murder Weapon Many Americans are hung up on fighting for Gay Rights or arguing about what side we should stand on the Israel conflict or even what they should watch on Netflix tonight. However, what they don’t realize they should be worrying about is Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality is, “the concept that broadband Internet service providers should provide nondiscriminatory access to internet content, platforms, etc., and should not manipulate the transfer of data regardless of its source or destination” ( Originally gaining a lot of attention back in 2004-2005 when Dialup internet was being replaced by broadband internet, most people have again recently heard about it, but never take the time to figure out …show more content…

Data discrimination can be described as, “the selective filtering of information by a service provider.” This is something that could become extremely dangerous to the common population of the United States. If the Government doesn’t regulate and enforce Net Neutrality, big name companies that are fighting for profits, would be able to essentially cover up anything bad that they did. They could pay off internet providers to completely block any and all information on a certain topic. During WWII many people in Germany had no clue what was going on in the concentration camps, that would become an issue again in our present day world. It is already an issue we see, and something of conspiracy in many circles, the government covering things up, but imagine if a company could completely cover up a serious political campaign to benefit their profit margins. The best example of this is currently taking place in China as we speak. The Chinese government has completely blocked any and all internet information of Tiananmen Square. There is no way for the people to look up even the date it happened on, the search results simply come up as “no results” this is why we need Net Neutrality. Imagine not being able to look up information on the civil rights

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