
Net Neutrality Research Paper

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International Perspective on Net Neutrality?
Around the world, several CEO’s of major tech industries are supporting the idea of keeping the internet free and provide access to information without any barriers. Recently, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg hosted a Q n A in which he mentioned his full support to Net Neutrality. His idea of providing the internet to the world using his initiative will help several under developed and developing parts of the world to get access to basic internet services and the content it provides. According to him the content should not be discriminated or limited by internet service providers like AT&T and Verizon. In countries where there’s no internet at all, it would be better to have some internet services so that there’s an establishment of connectivity rather than no internet. This is the reason the initiative of is important and can co-exist with net neutrality. He also believes that net …show more content…

Recently, activists setup websites to support their campaign and in a week’s time, more than 800,000 Indians have sent emails to their telecom regulatory authority, asking for free internet. The authority have published an 117 page article on their website laying down the rules of modern world internet as Over The Top (OTT) services but those based on the 1838 act of information sharing. Much of the focus of this campaign was on one of the telecom provider’s idea to make the internet free of charge to consumers and charge the service companies to put their content on telecom provider’s mobile app. This is again against the net neutrality since only the companies who pay more, will be able to deliver information to consumers using this

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