
Essay On Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka

Decent Essays

The book Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka was written and published in the year 1915. This book is a very unique and interesting story for the fact that the majority of the book is told in the perspective of a man that transforms into a bug. I like the subject of this book and the interactions that it contains but I do not like the style the book is written in, though this might have been for the fact that it was written in 1915. Gregor has different interactions with each person he is around during the story. He has a loving relationship with his sister during most of the story, especially during the section where he was a bug since she treats him so well at the beginning. His relationship with his parents is one of love but at the same time, he does not like that he has to take care of them and his sister. Gregor’s interaction with his boss is different than the rest of his interactions for the fact that his boss is in charge of him. None of his other relationships consist of the other half being in charge of him.
Gregory actions affect the story in many ways, one way is the fact that he makes all of the money for his household since his parents are too old to work and his sister is too young. Since he makes all of the money in the house when he is transformed into a bug his family has to make up …show more content…

Even though Gregor’s actions affect the story in a bad way for his family he does not have any control over what happened to him or what he can do about it. The struggles that Gregor's faces have never been faced by another human before, these are turning into another being and not being able to turn back, some of his struggles like having to get a job to take care of his family could be relatable to some of the readers. I enjoyed the story but I would not recommend it since the story was not exciting or changed me much in any

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