
Essay On Life Is Not Worth The Cost Of Attending College

Decent Essays

In the modern world, a majority of high school graduates have opted to skip college and go straight into the workforce. These students believe that college is not worth the cost and will be able to earn more money by starting to work as soon as they graduate high school. Recent studies show that this may not be the best plan. Studies have proven that “Adults who graduated from a four-year college believe that, on average, they are earning $20,000 more a year as a result of having gotten that degree.” (Pew). College is worth the financial investment because college graduates earn substantially more and have a wider variety of job opportunities. College graduates who graduated from a four-year university on average earn $20,000 a year more due to having a college degree. By doing this the investment of attending college is worth its weight in gold to the greatly increased salary. “Adults who did not attend college believe that, on average, they are earning $20,000 a year less...” (Pew). The benefits of having a college degree stand out financially, as you can see a college graduate makes $20,000 in a year. In one lifetime, a college …show more content…

“Education helps people do higher skilled work, get jobs with better paying companies or open up their own businesses,”. This means people are able to promote higher within companies, increasing pay. Skills college graduates learn in college allow them to adapt better within the new place of work and helps them make better informed decisions while on the job. Also, companies that pay higher typically only hire college graduates. People without a college degree probably would get fired before the person with a college degree. College can also help people open their own businesses. College gives extra knowledge on how to create and properly run a company. Without college it is harder to be a good and knowledgeable employee or business

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