
Essay On Jewish Shabbat Day

Decent Essays

The Sabbath is a ‘day of rest and relaxation’ practised by Christians and Jews. Sabbath is commanded by God as it is the fourth commandment to keep the Sabbath holy because God rested from the creation on the seventh day of the week. It is a day to remember God and his creation, rejoice, read the Bible and spend time with family and friends .
Sabbath was first originated in Judaism, but later continued into Christianity in a different form. In previous times, Jews observed the Sabbath properly by melachah and enjoy a day of rest. Jews follow melachah (work), a list of 39 categories that is forbidden to dominion over the environment, such as cooking . The Jewish Shabbat takes place after sunset on Friday to nightfall on Saturday. Jewish Shabbat …show more content…

Today, people no longer see Sunday as a day of rest, prayer and relaxation because everything is open on Sunday, so it became a day for shopping, work, playing sports, music lessons and so on. This is because shops were closed in the previous times as everyone kept the Sabbath holy. Sunday is considered as normal day today because people are busy in their life and do not have time to worship. Time management is one of the reasons of its irrelevance in Australia because people are busy on Sunday due to various activities that occur on that day . Nowadays, attitudes changed towards Sabbath because people have access to technology, where it is easy to obtain information on the internet rather than imagining or believing God . This is why there is a decrease in Christians as their views and attitudes on the Sabbath have changed. This is evident in the 2016 Australian census, where there is 30% of Australians do not identify with a religion because young people believe in things that are proven scientifically instead of believing the Bible . Furthermore, Australia is a multi-cultural country, meaning that people have many different faiths, so many people in Australia do not identify with Christianity and do not practise Sabbath. Therefore, Sabbath has lost its relevance for many modern-day Australians because of lifestyle and technology, which made it very difficult for Christians to maintain the Sabbath

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