
How Gun Control Leads To Gang Violence

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How Gun Control Leads to Gang Violence There are roughly 32,000 gun deaths per year in the United States. Around 60% of these crimes are gang related. In discussion of gun violence, a controversial issue is whether gun related crimes are blamed on the person who owned the gun or by the illegal gun purchase. While some people believe gun violence should be blamed on the people that cause the violence, others contend that gun violence should be blamed on the way people receive their gun. When I was younger and uninformed, I thought gun purchases are effective and legal. I failed to notice that guns the purchase of the gun itself is being conducted informally, which leads to people also trading their guns illegally. Between informal gun purchases and illegal gun trading, this also leads to gang related gun violence. Many people believe gun violence is dangerous because of who is committing these crimes. I disagree with that opinion because we shouldn’t completely blame the people who commit these crimes. We should put the blame on how these people got their guns. People who purchase guns do not get a good and sufficient background check. Most background checks just check to see what they are convicted of in state they are in. Most background checks do not look at if they committed a crime out side of the state, or even out of the country. Also, after a gun is purchased, people do not know that some guns get traded to people who cannot get a gun themselves, due

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