
Essay On Hatshepsut

Satisfactory Essays

The life of Hatshepsut Guadalupe Pedroza

Did you know that Hatshepsut was the first female pharaoh of Egypt .She was born in 1508 B.C daughter of Ahmose and Thutmose I .In 1479 B.C. Hatshepsut became the pharaoh of Egypt,she ruled from 1473 B.C-1458 B.C . She had many major accomplishments for the city of Egypt such as establishing trading networks. Over her time at throne she helped build more monuments and works of arts than any other queen to come . Overall Hatshepsut is a hardworking and wise pharaoh to the Egyptian people .
Before Hatshepsut was an amazing pharaoh she was a child.She was one of three children ,she had two siblings one girl named Nefrubity and a boy named Thutmose II .When the young princess was barely at the age of twelve her father passed away forcing her to marry her to marry Thutmose II . Ahmose arranged the marriage this way so …show more content…

To get the same respect from the Egyptian people that they gave to a male pharaoh she had to dress like a male .Hatshepsut was most interested in ensuring economic prosperity and building and restoring monuments unlike most of the other rulers in her dynasty .She built many things such as the trade expedition to the land of Punt and the temple of Djeser-djeseru . Over all she improved Egypt's land , buildings ,and monuments . Hatshepsut had many major accomplishments as pharaoh such as constructing paths that helped reach neighboring towns . She also built the temple of Djeser-djeseru also known as the holiest of holy places according to History . Some other things she constructed are many monuments in the ancient site of Karnak . She also helped restore a historical site named “Precinct of Mut “,she installed two obelisk structures of herself in this site .Finally she constructed many dwellings , temples , and monuments. Overall Hatshepsut was a hardworking and wise pharaoh

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