
Essay On Forest City Basin

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Abstract The Forest city basin is located in northwestern Missouri, northeastern Kansas, southwestern Iowa, and southeastern Nebraska. The Forest City basin is represented mainly by shales deposited as the sea withdrew (regressed) westward, although there are small isolated areas in northern Missouri in which a marine limestone formed. A few locations in west-central Missouri have sandstone channels attaining a thickness of as much as 30 ft. within the Mine Creek Shale (Manos). Introduction The Forest City basin is a bowl-like feature in the subsurface rock layers in northwest Missouri and adjacent portions of Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas. Some areas bare oil and gas. The Forest City basin is a cratonic basin of Pennsylvanian age underlying adjoining portions of southwestern Iowa, southeastern Nebraska, and northwestern Missouri. The …show more content…

Production near Paola., Kansas, followedKansas followed within a few years of the birth of the oil industry at Titusville, Pennsylvania, in 1859 …show more content…

These deposits were formed from vegetation that once grew along the edge of a brackish sea. It took about 10 feet of vegetation to ultimately form about 1 foot of coal. All of the coal found in eastern Kansas is bituminous, which is slightly softer and able to produces less energy than anthracite coal (Sefton). The forest city basin contains substantial coal resources in numerous beds too deep and thin to be mined by conventional methods. However, these coal beds have the potential to produce commercial quantities of coalbed methane

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