
Essay On Divorce In America

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Divorce is a huge issue that has affected many Americans. We as a nation have been experiencing a crisis. It’s said that over 50% of all marriages will end in divorce. Why is this? When this trend towards divorce did do began. In this paper we will be going briefly over the cause of the rise in divorce, as well taking a look at the divorce rate among evangelicals that are active in the church. We will then conclude with what the bible says about the topic. Through this paper I hope we can gain a better understanding why divorce has infiltrated our countries culture, the number of people getting a divorce, and what the bible has to say about divorce.

What caused the Divorce boom in the 70s? In 1996 the Governor Ronal Regan of California made major decisions. That decision was to “Eliminate the strife and deception often associated with the legal regime of fault-based divorce” (Wilcox). So he signed the nation’s first no-fault divorce bill. Previously couples needed a valid reason to leave their spouse, for example, marriage infidelity. These systems caused a lot of people seeking divorce to fabricate stories about their spouse because they wanted out of the marriage. Regan’s bill was supposed to make divorce less of a mess for the American people. Every state soon had its own version of the bill what it ended up doing was sparking what became known as the divorce revolution. …show more content…

The laws did not cause people to get divorced but gave a way out to many Americans that would have otherwise stayed together. The change in the culture at the time had the biggest impact. The secular movement was building a lot of support and people wanted to begin exploring new freedoms they have gained since leaving a more theistic

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