
Essay On Concealed Weapons

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Legal Adult Age 18 There was a young man by the name of Jim that lived in another country were the legal adult age was 18 years old. Jim was 17 waiting for his birthday to come so he would have the freedom to do what he wants to within the limits of the law. Jim’s country’s laws had it set so once you turned 18 you have all the rights that you could get by the age of 21 in America. On Jim’s 18th birthday he threw a party with all of his friends, they had alcoholic beverages at the party. When the party got to loud the neighbors called the police, when the police arrived they knocked on the door, Jim answered and the police could see the alcoholic beverages but because it is legal for them at the age of 18 all the officers said was that they …show more content…

“Americans want solutions to our nation's gun violence epidemic which kills more than 30,000 and injures almost 70,000 each year and understand that widespread carrying of concealed weapons isn't the answer; it's part of the problem” (Lovelace). Most states do not prohibit the carrying of a concealed weapon in places where a large amount of defenseless people gather and where there are a lot of personal conflicts. Concealed carry permits were claimed to decrease crime rate, but in reality crime rate has increased, and there were claims of use for defense but when evaluated by judges they say that what they consider defensive about half of them are illegal. “Even when a gun is used in self-defense, which is rare, the research shows that it is no more likely to reduce a person's chance of being injured during a crime than various other forms of protective action. One recent study suggests that carrying a firearm may actually increase a victim's risk of firearm injury during the commission of a crime” (Lovelace). Carrying a weapon as a young adult, can be dangerous but what about those that join the

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