
Essay On College Admission

Decent Essays

Growing up in Philadelphia, I am well acquainted with University of Pennsylvania and its campus. I am a frequent flier of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, so walking through the campus nearly every day, gave me some insight. I remember seeing students sitting and eating lunch on a giant, broken button that is located in the middle of the campus, and I remember the beautiful red library that students would rush in and out of during finals week. I sat on the button statue, and realized, “Yeah, I want to go here.” From that day on, I was determined to enter your institution.
Now that I’m older, and I realize now that college isn’t exactly something you can pick just from sitting on a statue on the campus, I did my research. I am a first generation college student, so I have no background …show more content…

Due to this, I had to put my trust in people that have been to college and that could give me some tips on how to pick one. One person I asked was actually my plastic surgeon, Dr. Scott Bartlett, who I believe is a professor at your institution. Of course, since he works there, I’m sure he would give a positive review no matter how bad the school is, but what he said was somewhat relatable, he said, “It just feels right.” During this past year, I have been visiting many different colleges in the area, but your visit just stuck with me. I remember the Wharton School the most actually, because I thought it was really interesting how the different business quads would name themselves after a world currency and compete with one another. I’m still secretly cheering the Pesos on, since I think their name sounds the best. Although, I have no interest in business. My real interest is medicine, but on a undergraduate tour, they don’t show you the medical school. I walked towards the Perelman anyway and I sat in the park with a pond full of coy fish, slowly feeding pieces of my hoagie I just

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