
Essay On Chesapeake And New England Colonies

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The Comparison of Chesapeake and New England Colonies and the Inhabitation

The economic, political and religion were only some of the differences between the two regions that I believe to be some of the biggest growth and downfall between the two.
The Chesapeake Region consisted of the surrounding areas of: Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Within this region, it was harder on the settlers because of inadequate food, diet, living environment and also because the less eagerness to work. Which later caused the fact of sickness and death. Which most came from having servants and workers work for them, than them actually having to do the work themselves.
The New England Region consisted of the surrounding areas of: Massachusetts, Bay Colony, Plymouth, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Haven. They were able to establish a healthier environment, food, diets and also become prosperous because of the face pace of products and factories. The New England settlers were more so from the working class and farmers, that was not afraid to get their hands dirty. …show more content…

It is quite simple, New England colonies were more religious than the Chesapeake. When the Roman Catholics separated from Henry VIII, it had created the Puritans. Furthermore, because King James I was against this new act, they sailed to the New World. Which eventually led to the Catholics, Quakers and also the Protestants to follow. Even though they lived more freely, they still followed the laws of England. Therefore, it is safe to say that New England was more prosperous because of the hard work, businessmen and labors. Whereas, Chesapeake Bay was able to economically gain because of their agriculture growth and the exploding development of tobacco. Which was stated in U.S. A Narrative History Volume 1 by James Davidson, Brian DeLay, Christine Leigh Heyrman, Mark H. Lytle and Michael B. Stoff (Page

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