
Essay On Anne Frank Compassion

Decent Essays

Have you ever showed an act of compassion? Maybe you were there for someone when they needed it. What about courage? You might’ve not noticed it, but maybe today you defended someone. Have you ever sacrificed something,something you loved so much,you gave it away for someone else to love it too? In 1942, Anne Frank,a Jewish thirteen year old, went into hiding with the rest of her family,Otto Frank,her dad, Edith Frank, her mom,and her big sister (by three years) Margot,along with the Van Daans ,Peter Van Daan ,a jewish sixteen year old boy, along with his parents Mr. and Mrs.Van Daan. The family hid in their “secret Annex,” for two years until they were caught by the Nazi police. During these two years,the residents of the “Annex,” showed either sacrifice,compassion,or courage.

When Otto Frank, Anne’s dad, got the annex, he was generous and knew he wanted to save as many lives as he can, so he wasn’t greedy when it came to giving up space for another jew to stay safe. Every time Mr. Frank gave a room to another person,he showed compassion. He was willing to work things out to save another life,to ration out the food,space,and clothing. He was kind and wanted his guests to feel comfortable where they were …show more content…

I wouldn’t show courage,but I would try to. I think that I would be able to show sacrifice because I don’t mind sharing,unless I give you something and you break it. I would also be able to show compassion,but I would have a hard time doing so. For me, I think that you have to show that you deserve it,but unless it is a situation like the Franks,sure, I wouldn’t mind helping people out. For courage,the only reason I would try to show it,would be to stay strong for my family and show them (even though I would be really terrified) to stay strong during our hard time. I wish I could be able to show all three things,but I guess it’s just the way someone thinks and their

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