
Essay On 1984 Winston And Julia's Love

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Winston and Julia’s Love in 1984 In 1984 by George Orwell, Winston and Julia did not truly love each other. Winston was obsessed with the idea of the past and rebelling against the Party. Julia also liked to rebel against the Party but did this through sexuality with Party members. They both liked the physical aspect of their relationship. This is obvious because Julia had impulsive relationships in her past, Winston saw their relationship as a political act, Julia ignored Winston’s passion for history, and their connection was mostly physical rather than emotional. First, Julia had past relationships that were impulsive and centered on lust. This was clear when Winston and Julia were in a hiding spot and Julia revealed that she had sex: “[h]undreds of …show more content…

In the room above Mr. Charrington’s shop, he was reading Julia the book by Emmanual Goldstein when he noticed she had fallen asleep: “Winston became aware of silence, as one becomes aware of a new sound. It seemed to him that Julia had been very still for some time past” (Orwell 217). Julia did not care about the book, and Winston’s interest in it. This shows her complete disregard for Winston’s interests. Julia was only interested in her and Winston’s sexuality, not Winston himself. In “List of Characters,” Bloom describes Julia as a cynical person. He writes, “Her rebellion is more cynical than Winston’s and less philosophical” (18). Julia only cared about herself and rebelled against the Party because it stood in the way of her pleasure. She was self-indulgent in her relationship with Winston, and only decided to have a relationship with Winston because of the sex. In conclusion, what Winston and Julia had was not truly love. This was made obvious with Julia's relationship history, Winston seeing their relationship as a political act, how they only met for sex, and they did not have an emotional

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