
Rebellion In 1984 Essay

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Rebecca Solnit, a modern day author, essayist, and activist once wrote that “The revolution is waiting, but it doesn’t look like what people expected”. Revolution has been both glorified and criticized in human society, but no matter the cause, it is a fundamental change in the status quo. When revolution boils down, it comes to passion, but also the willingness of the few to take great risks for the many. George Orwell’s 1984 returns again and again to a struggle with the concept of rebellion, especially against an oppressive government force like The Party. Does one take the chance of moving forward, or stay stagnant in their current situation? As readers follow Winston in this internal conflict, it’s clear to see that in order for a …show more content…

Described as “young”, “free-spirited”, and “practical”, Julia differs from Winston in many ways. She is open about her sexuality, and sleeps with several party members before she meets Winston. Although these acts are frowned upon in the eyes of The Party, Julia doesn’t intend them that way, and tells Winston that it is only to satisfy her own desires. Julia only “..questioned the teachings of the party when they in some way touched upon her life”(153). She was too young to remember a life that contradicted The Party’s teachings, and because she believed all Party propaganda to be lies, Julia had no interest in what those teachings were anyway. Julia simply does not care about what the Party is saying to the public. She doesn’t know whether or not it’s true or false, and can’t even remember what is said half the time. For example, Winston asks to recall 4 years ago, when Oceania was fighting with Eastasia, not Eurasia, despite Party insistence that it had always been the other way around. At first, Julia tells Winston that she never paid much attention to Party propaganda, because she didn’t care who was fighting the war. It is only after several minutes of arguing with Winston that Julia can actually remember the difference. Since Julia is so far removed from a cause to rebel, she has no desire to. Ironically Julia works for the Ministry of Truth, one of four essential branches of government

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