
Essay On 12 Ways Spoonies Cope With Chronic Illness

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12 Ways Spoonies Cope With the Stress of Chronic Illness

As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, Instagram has become an absolute treasure trove of practical information for people living with chronic illness. Here are 12 ways spoonies just like you cope with the stress of living with an invisible illness while having fun at the same time!

Being Stubborn

When living with a chronic illness, stubbornness can be both your best and your worst asset. On the one hand, you’re incredibly determined to not let your condition get the best of you, on the other, you tend to overdo it.

Still, being tenacious and having a fighting spirit is one of the most effective ways to cope with the stress of chronic illness.

Keep on keeping on, spoonie …show more content…

Using Social Media

Connecting with others who understand exactly what you’re going through can be a life-saver. There is a very large and accepting group of people on social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram who continually support each other and help ease the burden of daily pain.
Look for hashtags such as, #spoonie, #chronicillness, #chronicpain, and #chroniclife.

Watching Mindless Movies

Distracting yourself from your pain can be a very healthy way to cope with the stress of living with a chronic illness.

Watching a movie you don’t have to pay attention to, means you have two socially acceptable hours to stare at one fixed object, let your mind wander, and relax.

(Alternatively, you can get lost in the ridiculous plot and forget your troubles for a while.)

Napping Like It’s Your Job

I don’t know about you, but napping is, by far, my favorite way to cope with my fatigue, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm. When things get to be too much, I slip in my earbuds, turn on some soothing music, recline in my chair, and take a nap.

Sleeping, like crying, is not a sign of weakness or laziness. It’s simple self-care, and it’s important to engage in it regularly.

Setting and Accomplishing Small Goals

Another piece of useful advice I got from a fellow spoonie is setting small goals.


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