
Effects On Psychological Health When Labelled With Chronic Illness

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Impact on psychological health when labelled with chronic illness eg. stigma
So my topic was how psychological health was affected when someone was labelled with a chronic illness. More specifically stigma associated with chronic illness and how it could impact Ivan due to his conditions.
When someone is suffering or living with a chronic illness it can have a huge impact on them psychologically and socially. Chronic Illness is a condition that is prolonged in duration, usually more than 3 months and is rarely cured (DoH, 2012). Having to cope with a chronic condition might lead to life changes, such as dependency on others, loss of income, which can cause feelings of loss and reduced self-esteem. They can also report feelings of social rejection, poor healthcare and workplace termination due to their presenting condition (Earnshaw, Quinn, & Park, 2011).
Psychological impacts of having a chronic illness also consist of feelings such as: shame, blame, hopelessness, distress and a reluctance to seek or accept help when necessary (MHC, 2010). These feelings and emotions can lead to low self esteem, social withdrawal, poor self worth and a dependence on alcohol or drugs (Sane, 2010).
One determinant for the above feelings is stigma. Stigma is a mark of disgrace or shame that sets the person apart and is a social sanction which dehumanises an individual, by branding them or labelling them based on their illness (Epstein, Olsen, & Grey, 2012) . When they are labelled they are

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