Erythrocyte: Structure & Metabolism
หัวข้อบรรยาย 1. Red cell membrane 1. Membrane lipid 2. Membrane skeleton 3. Peripheral proteins 4. Integral proteins 2. RBC metabolism 1. Glycolytic (Embden-Meyerhof) pathway 2. Hexose monophosphate shunt 3. Rapoport-Luebering pathway 2.4 Methemoglobin reductase pathwa 3. Hemoglobin 3.1 Hemoglobin structure 3.2 Hemoglobin synthesis 3.3 Genetic control of hemoglobin structure 3.4 Hemoglobin function 3.5 Hemoglobin catabolism 4. Iron metabolism
วัตถุประสงค์ของการศึกษา 1. อธิบายได้ถึงลักษณะสำคัญและส่วนประกอบของ red cell membrane
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ฟอสโฟไลปิด ประกอบด้วย polar head และส่วนหางที่เป็น hydrocarbon (ดัดแปลงจาก
แผ่นเยื่อชั้นนอก [pic]
รูปที่3 แสดงการเรียงตัวของฟอสโฟไลปิด สองชั้นในเยื่อหุ้มเซลล์เม็ดเลือดแดง ฟอสโฟไลปิดทั้งสี่ชนิด (PC, PE, PS, SM) กระจายตัวในแผ่นเยื่อชั้นในและชั้นนอกไม่เท่ากัน (ดัดแปลงจาก อานนท์ บุณยะรัตเวช เม็ดเลือดแดง ใน โลหิตวิทยา 2535)
ฟอสโฟไลปิดของเยื่อหุ้มเม็ดเลือดแดงได้แก่ phosphatidyl choline (PC), phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE), phosphatidyl serine (PS) phosphatidylinositol (PI) และ sphingomyelin (SM) ฟอสโฟไลปิดเหล่านี้มี คุณสมบัติที่แตกต่างกันไปขึ้นกับความเป็นประจุลบหรือการมีขั้วข
องส่วนหางที่แตกต่างกัน จากสูตรโครงสร้าง (รูปที่ 4) PS มีความเป็นประจุลบมากกว่าฟอสโฟไลปิด PC, PE, PI คุณลักษณะนี้ทำให้ โปรตีนที่เป็นส่วนประกอบของ membrane cytoskeleton ทำปฏิกิริยากับประจุลบของ PS ทำให้ผนังเยื่อหุ้มเม็ดเลือดแดงมีความคงตัวมากขึ้น [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]
รูปที่ 4 สูตรโครงสร้างของ ฟอสโฟไลปิด PC, PE, PS และ PI (ดัดแปลงจาก
ฟอสโฟไลปิดของเยื่อหุ้มเม็ดเลือดแดงที่สำคัญมีอยู่ 4 ชนิดซึ่งอยู่ในแผ่นเยื่อชั้นนอกและชั้นใน (รูปที่ 3) ในอัตราส่วนที่แตกต่างกัน (asymmetric distribution) พบว่า PS และ PE ส่วนใหญ่จะอยู่ในส่วนแผ่นเยื่อชั้นในในขณะที่แผ่นเยื่อชั้นนอกพ
บว่ามี SM และ PC เป็นส่วนใหญ่ (ตารางที่1)
ตารางที่1 สัดส่วนของฟอสโฟไลปิดในเยื่อหุ้มเซลล์ ปริมาณSM, PC, PE และPS
Introduction: The biological membranes are composed of phospholipid bilayers, each phospholipid with hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails, and proteins. This arrangement of the proteins and lipids produces a selectively permeable membrane. Many kinds of molecules surround or are contained within
The blood cell is made in the bone marrow of a bone and then enters a vein and goes toward to superior vena cava. The blood cell joins millions of other blood cells as well as white blood cells and platelets inside of plasma.
Those cells must receive nutrients and gases in order to undergo the metabolic processes that maintain homeostasis. In paragraph form, explain how you think the nutrients and gases enter the cell. Distinguish between the molecules that can enter by diffusion by simply moving across the membrane and those that must expend energy to cross the cell membrane.
Nearly all animal cells have a nucleus, with the only exception being the red blood cell. The nucleus has two major functions, which are housing the DNA and controlling the cell’s activities. In the centre of the nucleus is the nucleolus. This doesn’t have a membrane, but holds itself together. In the nucleolus, ribosomes are created through the mixture of RNA and proteins. These proteins are originally found in the cytoplasm, outside the nucleus, but they travel through the pores in the nuclear envelope, through the chromatin and into the nucleolus. The structure of the nucleolus allows easy
In humans/animals, the main cells that store fat for energy are adipocytes. These fat cells are found under the skin, in the abdominal cavity and surround major organs. The fatty tissue is the body’s main means of storing energy for long periods of time. Lipids, like triglycerides are stored in the adipocytes until ready to be used by the body for energy. Fat is broken down through metabolism in the mitochondria of the cell. The triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and 3 fatty acids. The glycerol can be easily converted to glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate, an intermediate of glycolysis. From there it can go through the Krebs Cycle and electron transport chain to make ATP. The 3 fatty acids can be broken
Bessie Smith is an American Jazz musician in the genre of blues. She was born on the date of 15th April 1894. She is known to well for her dominance in the blues genre music in the span of around 1920s and 1930s. Bessie attributes her success, by working continuously with Louis Armstrong. Research indicates that Louis was a key inspiration when it comes to the perfection of jazz vocals. In her time, Bessie Smith proudly boasts as one of the best Blues musicians both in the US and the world as a whole. However, her life was cut short in 1937 on September 26th, in a fatal car accident. Regarding the above-mentioned information, this paper discusses more the life of Bessie Smith, collectively with the dominance in the Blue Music (Scott, 2008).
The Journey of a red blood cell begins inside the bone, where the blood cell is made which is the bone marrow. The red blood cells travel around the body within capillaries. Then the deoxygenated red blood cell makes its way to the heart in the vena cava. After the blood cell has made its way through the heart the right atrium (the cell enters the right atrium first) contracts and pushes the blood cell through the tricuspid and into the right ventricle (the parts where the blood cell enters second which is located in the bottom right corner of the heart.) Next the right ventricle again contracts and pushes the blood cell out of the heart through the semi lunar (the section of the heart where the cell enters third). Then finally the deoxygenated
P1 – Describe the microstructure of a typical animal cell and the functions of the main cell components. A typical animal cell is seen as a tiny, three dimensional sac which is in fact made up of many components, each as important as the other. The microstructure of an animal cell was in fact uncovered mainly through the use of both cell fractionation and electron microscopy. Each main component has its own, individual function which helps a cell to function and maintains the cell membrane. The components that I will be describing include the cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi bodies, centrioles, endoplasmic reticulum (both smooth and rough) and ribosomes.
Methemoglobinemia is a hemoglobinopathy where the concentration of methemoglobin in the blood is more than 1% of the total hemoglobin [3]. Normal hemoglobin has a reduced ferrous iron (Fe 2+) while methemoglobin has an oxidized ferric iron (Fe 3+). The change in valence prevents methemoglobin from being able to carry oxygen [4, 9]. There are mechanisms in place to reduce the amount of methemoglobin in the blood [2]. Cytochrome b5-Methemoglobin reductase and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) methemoglobin reductase enzymes are responsible for reducing the amount of methemoglobin in the blood [9].
Introduction: Cell membranes contain many different types of molecules which have different roles in the overall structure of the membrane. Phospholipids form a bilayer, which is the basic structure of the membrane. Their non-polar tails form a barrier to most water soluble substances. Membrane proteins serves as channels for transport of metabolites, some act as enzymes or carriers, while some are receptors. Lastly carbohydrate molecules of the membrane are relatively short-chain polysaccharides, which has multiple functions, for example, cell-cell recognition and acting as receptor sites for chemical signals.
noniceptors to reduce inflammation. They also have some effect on the nervous system to act on
In my opinion, based on signs and symptoms this patient suffers from hemolytic anemia, characterized by reduction in the number of circulating red blood cells, caused by accelerated destruction and removal of these cells from the bloodstream before their normal lifespan is over. When blood cells die, bone marrow produces more blood cells to replace them, however, in HA, the bone marrow does not make red blood cells fast enough to meet the body's needs. Many diseases, conditions, and factors can cause the body to destroy its red blood cells. This type of anemia can be inherited, where parents passed the gen to the child (hemoglobin defects, enzyme defects, membrane defects) or acquired, meaning it developed overtime (infectious diseases: hepatitis, streptococcus; medications such as acetaminophen, antibiotics, ibuprofen, interferon alfa procainamide). In some cases, the cause of hemolytic anemia can’t be established.
In the darkest place of the country, there was a broken castle made of stone. The castle was so broken and it was very old. If anyone passed through the castle it was the ruins of an ancient building. Which was a good thing, since not a single person was curious enough to see what was inside the castle. And why was it like that? Because the English king and his family lived there. But why? Because of the ongoing Scottish wars and as if that wasn’t enough there were rumors going around of a terrifying plague.
The lipids found in the membrane are known as phospholipids. Phospholipids are fat derivatives in which one fatty acid has been replaced by a phosphate group and one of several nitrogen-containing molecules. The phospholipids’ structure is such that it appears to have a ‘head’ attached to a ‘tail’. The head section of the lipid is made of a glycerol group which is then attached to an ionised
Question 1: Describe the opportunity that attracts you and why you think it is a new venture opportunity.