
Ernest Hemingway Soldier's Home Analysis

Decent Essays

An Analysis of "Solder's Home" by Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway’s story “Soldier’s Home” demonstrates how the soldiers of today may feel when they get back home from war. Even though this story was written in 1925 a lot of today’s soldiers can probably relate to this story. When Krebs came home it seems as though he felt unappreciated and that people didn’t care. In the story Krebs felt as though he had to make up stories to get the attention of other. Much like the soldiers today, he wanted and needed someone to just listen. It seems as though he felt lost when he came back to the United States (Baerdemaeker 55). Hemingway describes PTSD in this story even though PTSD was first diagnosed in 1980 which was years away from when this story was written. Krebs is living in the past and his mom and sisters are trying to get him to live in the present. Hemingway tells us about how soldiers can be traumatized by what they’ve seen in war. Krebs has experienced seeing situations that involve death and Hemingway shows how this experience can have lasting effects on soldiers. Hemingway leaves us to wonder why Krebs was the last of the soldiers to return …show more content…

Krebs’ mother states “There are no idle hands in God’s kingdom. This is when Krebs starts to think that he is no longer like everyone else and he can’t really figure out who he really is since returning from war. When Krebs’ mother asked him the question on whether he loves her, he says no. What we know now since we have learned about PTSD, is that Krebs was experiencing is that Krebs was fighting PTSD by finding things he could do alone. Krebs view of the world had changed and no one really knew what he was experiencing since coming home. His world view had changed since he was overseas fighting the war. He is now emotional withdrawn. Krebs own mother can’t understand what her son is going through or

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