
Episodic Memory

Decent Essays

As teachers, we are here to educate our students in our areas, but how do we know when students actually understand and learn the information being taught? Marilee Sprenger (1998) said “memory is the only way to verify learning”. After researching the parts of the brain and learning how it processes information, her statement is true. “Memory is the process by which we retain the knowledge and skills for the future” (Sousa, 2011). According to Sprenger (1998), there a five separate memory lanes: semantic, episodic, procedural, automatic, and emotional. Semantic memory deals with words and is the most difficult because you must process it repeatedly for long-term effects. Episodic memory is location-driven. The procedural memory is your “how-to” memory. Automatic memory …show more content…

Final memory is emotional memory, which connects back to the amygdala where all your emotions lay. “Effective teaching uses strategies to help students recognize patterns and then make the required connections to process the new working memories so they can travel into the brain’s long-term storage areas” (Willis, 2007). The first strategy I will do in my classroom is to provide down-time in between learning episodes. I teach in block scheduling and I’ve come to realize that students remember best what comes first, then when comes last, but tend to forget everything in the middle. If I break my block time into four sections, since high school students can handle about 20 minutes in working memory, I give students time to process the information being taught. The down time would be a brain break. During the brain breaks students could be

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