
Research Article Analysis: Cognitive Psychology and Memory

Decent Essays

Research Article Analysis: Cognitive Psychology and Memory

Cognitive psychology studies the way people think an how memory plays a role in people's everyday lives. Memory is important, in both the short-term and the long-term, because without it all actions would have to be innate. Since it has been well-researched that both innate and experiential are needed for people to develop successfully (Sutton, 2008), memory of experiences and the lessons learned are important for every type of functioning. Memory, in the case of the article to be reviewed, is studied with regard to how students retain lists of vocabulary words in a Spanish class. This paper will look at all aspects of the article to determine how the author provided the given information.
Literature Review The authors are looking at an issue that is interdisciplinary in nature, so they determined that they must seek research evidence from each of the important fields of study implicated in the research. The three areas of study were educational psychology which gave insight into how people learn, foreign language teaching and cognitive psychology which has to do with memory (Erbes, et al, 2010). The researchers determine that in the field of educational psychology, studies had long been engaged in determining how teachers could use information gained in studies of brain function to enhance curricula and teaching (Erbes, et al, 2010). In one of the studies examined, Sutton (2008) had tried to see how teaching

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