
Epidemiology, Transmission, Clinical Features, Diagnosis, And Treatment

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Introduction The Center of Disease Control stats that Yersinia Enterocolitica, also known as Y.enterocolitica is an infectious disease amongst humans that is deadly as well as a common disease that could spread throughout the world quickly through foods we consume and could also become deadly. The entirety of this research paper will include the casual agents, epidemiology, transmission, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment, along with more in depth details will be discussed about this infectious disease. J. Pathog, the author of the Journal of Pathogens says the discovery of this disease was sixty years ago and was not known as a pathogen until1960 when it became a serious disease.
Casual Agents To begin with, Y. Enterocolitica is a gram negative short rod shaped bacteria nonspore forming that was identified as human or veterinary pathogen centuries ago (Pathog). Y. enterocolitica could be ingested through the mouth to begin transmission. Pathog also stated that this bacterium is a member of the genus Yersinia which encompasses a heterogeneous collection of facultative anaerobic bacteria that belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae and the kingdom of Eubacteria. It has the ability to penetrate the intestinal wall, and is thought to be controlled by plasmid genes, and the production of heat-stable enterotoxin, which is controlled by chromosomal genes (Pathog). Yersinia is susceptible to killing by complement and polymorph nuclear leukocytes, although they are able

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