
Epidemiologist Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I am currently pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science in Environmental Health Science. If the opportunity arises, I would apply to work for the United States Public Health Services Commission Corps as an Environmental Health Officer. Barring that, I would purse a Masters in Public Health to allow me to become an Epidemiologist. Prior to earning any degree, I will be interning at the Indian Health Services in South Dakota this semester. This will crystalize my goals in life and will give me a heads up in my career. Hopefully, I will be able to return the favor by working for them as an Environmental Health Officers. Either that, or work for my local health department. My passion for the Public Health field first came about when I was introduced to the concept of zoonotic diseases and epidemics in …show more content…

There, I was given many responsibilities and tasks that I had the obligation to complete. These include everything from the care of the horse to the customer services. One of the many things I did was ensure the safety of the child while they were on a pony, to insure no one got hurt. I would also help groom the horses and clean their stables. During my time at Wright State, I did a variety of volunteer opportunities, here and there. Once, I helped a elementary school to build a garden. Another time, I helped at a Fire Department during their open house. Lastly, I helped pack some care packages for those soldiers overseas. While I am not currently doing any community services, I do plan to help as much as I can when my schedule clears up. I would defiantly volunteer at a riding center again, as that was something I truly enjoy doing and missed the most. If I get accepted to join the Commission Corps, I should be able to have time to volunteer during my weekends. Also, my future career would be serving the committee as I will be insuring the committee would be healthy and whole for years to

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