
Epic Of Gilgamesh Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

When looking at these two stories there are many similarities that could be seen. However, the relationship with God or the gods differed by their reactions to situations. The story in Gilgamesh starts with a man named Utnapishtim that lived in a city called Shurrupak and the gods who decided to create a great flood without a reason. Ea the god of fresh springs felt compassion for the people so went to Utnapishtim and told him the plans of the other gods. He asked Utnapishtim to tear his house down to build a ship, once he was done with that Ea told him to save his life and bring the seed of all the living creatures. After Utnapishtim agreed, he asked what he should tell the people of the city. Ea stated that he should tell the people who asked …show more content…

It goes on to say that God saw how the earth was filled with people of wickedness and that did evil things that led to violence. Since the world was filled with such corrupt God saw that it was fit to make an end to all of the corruption and violence. God told Noah that he was planning to bring floods of water on the earth to destroy everything on earth. God stated that Noah and his family were going to be the only ones to survive with the animals. To accomplish their survival Noah had to build an ark with the length of 300 cubits, width 50 cubits and height thirty cubits with three decks. Once Noah had built the ark he was to take two of every kind of living thing and food to feed the animals and his family. After he had done as God asked, God told Noah that in seven days he would bring rain and it would stay for forty days and forty nights. When it had finally stopped raining, the water stayed for 150 days and Noah sent out a raven to see if there was any dry land, but the raven didn’t return. So, Noah then sent out a dove which on the second time came back to Noah with an olive leaf to imply that there was dry land. Following this God made Noah wait for a bit more and then told Noah to go out and recreate the

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