
Epic Of Gilgamesh Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

Epic of Gilgamesh
In the story of the Epic of Gilgamesh, the gods create Enkidu, a being who runs wild with the animals. Enkidu gets created as a companion of Gilgamesh. The story shares similarities with the biblical story of the Garden of Eden in Genesis. The similarity of Enkidu’s movement from culture to civilization and how Adam got expelled from the Garden of Eden include: - In both stories a woman is responsible for the transformation of a man from a wildlife into a civilized life. In the Epic, Enkidu is rejected by the animal world after having sex with a harlot; the harlot Shamash ends up giving him clothes (Dolansky 34). The act shows how women had equal privileges as men. The woman further teaches Enkidu to drink beer and eat bread. The two last actions show technological developments relating to a civilized man. On the other hand in the story of Genesis, the woman (Eve) is tempted by the serpent. She ends up convincing Adam to eat the fruit from the tree of Knowledge. In the Bible, a woman acted as a companion to man, while in the epic they mainly aided men.
Another similarity is that once Adam ate the fruit in the Bible, both he and Eve covered themselves with leaves. Furthermore, …show more content…

While in the Bible, the woman (Eve) gets considered as a tempter who brings misfortune to the man. Another difference is that in the Epic the animals no longer run with Enkidu willingly after sensing that he had changed. While in the bible its God who orders Adam and Eve to leave the Garden of Eve and their animalistic nature. Another difference is that the woman is the one who shaves and clothes the man in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The woman leads Enkidu through civilization with the actions. While in the Bible both Adam and Eve hide from God because of embarrassment. The fruit had led them to get knowledge hence

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