
Ep Case Study

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The EPP provided evidence that they regularly use data to improve programming and candidate preparation and development and provides a rationale for program modifications (SSA exhibit: Programmatic Changes.docx). The Task Calendar provides additional evidence of the number of data workshops and when data is reviewed to improve programming and candidates’ development (typically 6-8 days per year) (SSA exhibit: Task Calendar.xlsx). 3. On page 18 of the SSR the EPP stated that they have plans to establish partnership for all program areas and for all levels as part of our SIP, what is SIP and what are those plans? The Field Experience Matrix provides evidence of the various types of EPP partnerships for each program (SSA exhibit: Field Experience …show more content…

What data do the EPP have to support their assertion that the partnership activities and professional development opportunities have had an impact on candidate development? This question repeated from Standard 2, Task 4, Question 1. Please see our above …show more content…

What feedback has been collected from P-12 partners’ pertaining to professional development experiences? The EPP planning minutes from our Summer Institute indicates co-creating sessions for professional development (SSA exhibit: Partner PD Co-Planning the Summer Institute.docx). Evidence of Third Party Comments from Mr. Stephen Fowler, principal of Knox Elementary at West Branch Local Schools, provided evidence of his appreciation for their involvement in the institute. Evidence of feedback, from one conferences, solicited results from 18 inservice teachers and administrators. Attendees rated sessions form the conference and offered strengths and suggestions for improvement (SSA exhibit: Partner Survey Feedback from UMU Conference.pdf). 7. How has partnership activities and professional development experiences data been used for program improvement or candidate development? Data from the Lexington and Rockhill partnerships, as well as the planning minutes from the Summer Institute, indicate changes have been made for program improvement and candidate development (SSA exhibits: Partnership Lexington Connection Program.docx, Partnership Rockhill Raider Aviator Connection Program.docx, and Partner PD Co-Planning the Summer

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