
Program Planning and Evaluation Paper

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Program Planning and Evaluation Paper

Nicole Debski
University of Phoenix
Program Planning and Evaluation Paper

The first questions ask how program planning and program evaluation describe how the two components relate. In my opinion they relate because once you have a plan in order you have to evaluate it to see if the plan is working. You also need to know what area need to be work on and what the cause of the problem and how to resolve them.

The second question Identify specific examples of how program planning and evaluation interrelate in your chosen scenario in Appendix B. in my opinion program planning and …show more content…

Issue that in my opinion would affect the evaluation of a domestic violence program would be lack of information on the victim and abuser. Another affect on evaluation would be is there a data base on domestic violence crime. Is the data assessable, is there a statistic rate what is the ratio of women, men, and children been victim of domestic violence. Other issue that could affect the planning of domestic violence is the long term affect of being a victim of domestic violence. According to (N.D), "[The long term effects of domestic violence have not begun to be fully documented. Battered women suffer physical and mental problems as a result of domestic violence. Battering is the single major cause of injury to women, more significant that auto accidents, rapes, or muggings. In fact, the emotional and psychological abuse inflicted by batterers may be more costly to treat in the short-run than physical injury. Many of the physical injuries sustained by women seem to cause medical difficulties as women grow older. Arthritis, hypertension and heart disease have been identified by battered women as directly caused or aggravated by domestic violence suffered early in their adult lives.
Battered women lose their jobs because of absenteeism due to illness as a result of the violence. Absences occasioned by court appearances also jeopardize women's livelihood. Battered women may have to move many times to avoid violence. Moving is costly and can interfere with continuity

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