
Environmental Science : The Challenges Of Environmental Ethics And The Environment

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The challenge facing humanity today, is to bring our activities into the carrying capacity of the Earth’s supporting ecosystems while improving the quality of life today and for future generations. We live in a world of limits. Our natural resources will not last forever as we have discovered when our forests started disappearing and when droughts limit our water supply. Leaders in the following fields provide the platform for the theoretical discussion of environmental global change. Economies exist within, and rely upon ecological systems for natural resources and ecological economics applies principles of ecology and systems science to the analysis of economic systems. Environmental science studies how the natural world works, how our environment affects us, and how we affect our environment and applies ethical standards to relationships between people and aspects of the environment. Social science disciplines address human interaction and institutions and ethics is a branch of philosophy of moral principles held by a person or a society. Environmental ethics are normative or prescriptive; they are do's and don'ts regarding your interactions with the environment. Since human society clearly affects the environment in numerous ways already, environmental ethics would involve evaluative judgments regarding how humans are affecting the environment; what is good or bad in our collective behavior. Based on such judgments, environmental ethics would also include recommendations

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