I was confidence that I will complete the assessment to the best of my ability, thus it will provide me with an honest reflection of my emotional intelligence abilities. The assessment enlighten me about what I needed to know to support my emotional intelligence developmental and communicating interpersonally. Because I am inquisitive about people I do not know, that makes me very outgoing and have a willingness to meet new people. I naturally tend to ask people vast majority of questions after I have been introduced to someone. That said, I believe I have a certain degree to display empathy, which is considered to be a component of emotional intelligence. I believe I have a high EQ not just for my personal relationships, but professional
Emotional intelligence; also referred to as EI or EQ, is defined as, “a skill in perceiving, understanding, and managing emotions and feelings” (n.d.). The way I express myself, interact with others, demonstrate emotions and deal with stress on a consistent basis may lead to a high EQ, or low EQ, depending on my actions. I was able to take a self-assessment on the McGraw-Hill/Irwin website that provided a score for my emotional intelligence with specific areas of strengths and weaknesses included. Overall, I scored 87 out of 100 possible points, which ranks my score considerably high. Based on my results, I faired well in regards to understanding and managing my emotions in all areas of my life. Understanding emotional intelligence, and achieving a high score in similar assessments, may lead to rewarding results in many facets of life’s daily tasks and interactions. A person, who has developed a high emotional intelligence, will keep their emotions under control, strengthen relationships with those around them, and know their limitations.
Australian Business Leaders have identified skills that are most important in a business landscape; these include Continuous Professional Development and Communication Skills. In this portfolio I will reflect upon my skill development and learning’s in BSB124 – Working In Business. Through this reflection I will discuss my skills built through the learning of Emotional Intelligence throughout the unit. I will be discussing Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence theory that we have learnt as well as other practical ways of testing Emotional Intelligence. I will also discuss an area of possible improvement of my Emotional Intelligence linking to my future career prospects through my own personal results in the Schuttes Emotional
Formally, Emotional Intelligence, commonly abbreviated as EI is defined as the capacity to reason of and about emotion so as to enhance reasoning or rather thinking. It is also defined as the capability of an individual to recognize and understand the meaning of emotions, their relations and use this information to reason critically and solve problems based on these emotions (Dann 78). The first Emotional Intelligence theory was initially developed by early psychologists back in the 1970s and 80s. This study was advanced and has been advancing over the past years. It has become very important in organizational development and developing people in the process. This is because the Emotional Intelligence or rather Emotional Quotient
The author states, “Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships” (p. 17). EQ lays the foundation for many skills, such as, time management, communication, assertiveness, customer service, anger management, stress tolerance, and many other aspects of our life each day. Although our emotions will play an eminent role in our daily life, improved EQ skills will teach us to better control our emotions and keep our emotions from controlling our actions or behaviors. Additionally, we will learn how to better interact with others and build better and stronger relationships.
The author was given the task to explain emotional intelligence, and give two (2) example of the concept. Second, to examine, the concept of “emotional quotient” compared to traditional “intelligence quotient.” Third to suggest two to three (2-3) reasons why leaders’ need emotional intelligence to manage today’s workforce, as well as to speculate on at least two (2) possible consequences should a leader not possess emotional intelligence. Fourth, to explore the elements of emotional intelligence that leaders must be aware of to increase leadership effectiveness. Lastly, to recommend a strategy that the organization could undertake in order to improve the social skills of leaders within the organization and thereby
Based on my Emotional Intelligence assessment, my emotional intelligence is not strong, which was a score of 65. According to the overall results of the test, I am out of touch with my emotions, and frequently fail to identify my true feelings. I seem to be extremely uncomfortable dealing with emotions in general. I was relatively successful on the recognition of emotions aspect of the test. Also, I have a lot of limitation that I need to work on to improve my Intelligence test. I do not seem to be entirely aware of my strengths and weakness. My approach to problem solving is not always conducive to resolutions. I need a lot of improvement in the area of Emotional Understanding. My ability to emphasize needs improvement as well. I am not assertive, I do not seem to be very content, I seem to struggle to act independently and my flexibility is limited.
"Emotional Intelligence is a way of recognizing, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel, and act. It shapes our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves. It defines how and what we learn; it allows us to set priorities; it determines the majority of our daily actions. Research suggests it is responsible for as much as 80% of the "success" in our lives." The Effective leader requires a high degree of Emotional Intelligence. In this study, the various skills of Emotional Intelligence can be related with real situations. The various skills of Emotional Intelligence are Self awareness, self regulation, motivation, Empathy, social skill. People with high self-awareness are also able
Because emotional intelligence is a developing field, there isn’t a lot of information about emotional intelligence that’s readily available. It certainly seems to be an important discipline and emotional intelligence is certainly a skill that I want to have and improve because I want to be able to manage my own emotions and the emotions of others.
Emotional intelligence, or EI, has begun to make head way in the nursing world in its tie to leadership. Nurses are people, so they experience emotion just like every other person. Their work is stressful and trying, it provokes emotion due to the environment and situations at hand. The ability to recognize one’s own emotions, along with those that present in others is an important skill (Morrison, 2008). Being able to recognize emotions makes it easier to manage our lives and our relationship with others. These are the aspects that make a person competent enough to say that they have emotional intelligence. Supporters of emotional intelligence believe that EI may be more valuable in determining a good leader than intellectual
Emotional intelligence is an important characteristic in becoming a good leader. “Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage oneself and one's relationships in mature and constructive ways” (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009, p.137).Being a good leader entails more than just being smart; leaders need to be able to connect to their employees emotionally and empathetically. Organizations today not only look for leaders with the skills, but leaders that can emotionally connect to employees to obtain the organization’s goal. “Leaders have always played a primordial emotional role. No doubt humankind’s original leaders-whether tribal chieftains or shamanesses-earned their place in large part because their leadership was
Personalities help define a person as to who they are. After taking four personality tests, it is easy to understand how a person views themselves may not always be accurate. Some questions were very difficult to answer and required a bit of thinking. The test that I felt best described myself was the Big Five Personality Test. Almost everything that it listed, I felt like describes me to an extent. The test I feel that was least like me was the Emotional Intelligence Test. I received a poor score in self- awareness and I do not see myself as not being self-aware.
The parameters for assessing one’s own emotional intelligence are mainly pegged on the ability to accurately interpret other people’s emotions and being able to design suitable responses. More importantly, emotional intelligence hinges on our ability to read
Emotional intelligence has to do with an individual’s ability to understand and manage his or her own or others’ feelings and emotions. It involves the ability to perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand and reason about emotion and manage emotions in oneself and in others. People with emotional intelligence are able to identify and recognize the meaning of emotions and to manage and regulate their emotions as a basis for problem solving, reasoning, thinking, and action.
It is always an eye opener to learn something about yourself that you did not know. I found the results of the quizzes to be very interesting. The first test was a test on how you read people. We would like to think that we can look at someone and decide not only their mood but also if they are a good person or not, but is that always the case? The second test was an emotional intelligence test. It evaluates such things as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Through taking both of these tests, it gives tools to better yourself.
Emotional intelligence is described as the ability for one to know and understand their own emotions as well as the emotions of others. However, understanding or knowing your emotional state is only half of the skill, one must be able to use the emotional information to guide them in there thinking and behavior towards others. As a leader we often don’t take the time to stop and recognize our current emotional state before acting on the situation. I believe this is due to the fact that our emotions and reactions are used so frequently that it becomes a natural habit, much like breathing. Everyone breathes with out ever having to think about it, but when you perform yoga you are asked to control your breathing to help relax your mind and body. Much like yoga, emotional intelligence requires one to first stop and recognize their current state, then based on the current situation, a leader must act effectively, but not in haste. Personally I think this is an area of my leadership that I need to work on. Within the last 6 months at my facility we hired a new CNO and during a meeting last month he did a little test on all of the leaders. He told us that an employee was hired to sit with an emotionally unstable patient all night to unsure nothing happened and that the patient didn’t leave. However during the night the employee fell asleep and patient got up out of bed and walked out of the hospital. Our CNO then asked how the group what type of disciplinary actions we