
Emotional Abuse Signs

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When you hear the word “abuse” one might think of a man hitting his wife or girlfriend, a woman with covered up bruises and physical marks. It is a subject that gets discussed more, something that is more often shown on popular television shows and movies. But there is another type of abuse that does not get shown or talked about as much. It is called “emotional abuse” and just because it does not show physically in marks or bruises does not make it any less dangerous and damaging. The first step to addressing this abuse is to understand the signs. You may be experiencing emotional abuse if your partner calls you names, insults you or puts you down, prevents you from going to work or school, makes you question your sanity, threatens you, blames …show more content…

(, 2015). Abuse happens everyday and just like women; men may be reluctant to report the abuse in fear of being seen as “weak”, “un-manly”, feel as though it is a personal or private issue, feel ashamed, they may feel as though there are no resources to help them due to the fact they are a man ( and since in our society men are typically taught from a young age to not express their emotions or “man-up” this also contributes to why men may not report the …show more content…

Another response why men may not report their abuse is that in one study, it was said that “Male domestic violence victims who come to law enforcement attention are more likely to be future suspects for domestic violence than female victims” (, 2016). Another shocking fact was that subtle psychological abuse is more harmful than either over psychological abuse or direct aggression (O’Leary & Mairuo, 2005). It is also suggested that those who are victims of emotional abuse are more likely to suffer from long term damage to their mental health. Often times it can take form in depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, they may become suicidal, and can even develop distrust for others (O’Leary & Mairuo, 2005). Another study also found that emotional abuse was more common in younger people and is on the rise due to increase in women being in law enforcement roles, women’s empowerment through feminism and while the rates of men being victims to this abuse is on the rise as previously stated, the rates of women being emotionally abused are declining, so quite the opposite affect. (, 2013) which also helps makes our video relevant to its viewers who may be going through similar

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