
Embryonic Of Stem Cell Research Essay

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Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Francois Rabelais, the famous Renaissance humanist, once said, “Science without conscience is the death of the soul” (Rabelais, Francois). Since the late 1960’s, this has been the stance for opponents of embryonic stem cell research. This is saying, if we are willing to take a fertilized embryo and kill it before it has even had time to develop, where is our conscience, our heart? We consider this form of stem cell research to be immoral and unethical. Scientists are looking for alternatives to this method of harvesting stem cells, similar to adult stem cell research, to provide a better, more humane approach to this breakthrough in science and medicinal therapy.
Embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos; however, most embryonic stem cells are generated and fertilized through in-vitro fertilization in a laboratory setting, not within a woman’s reproductive system. Embryonic cell generation is by no means efficient, although once the stem cells are created, it is able to yield millions of embryonic stem cells from that one cell (“Stem Cell Basics”).
Adult stem cells, commonly referred to as somatic stem cells, have a primary goal of repairing the tissues in the part of the body in which they are found. These cells are found in so many different tissues and organs, and are named by where they can be found, or by which tissues they help regenerate. The area in which the stem cell resides in within these structures is known as a

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